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Volume 23 (4); December 2012
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Original Articles
The Experiences of Family Caregivers under the Long-term Care Insurance
Eun Young Kim, Ga Eon Lee, Sam Sook Kim, Chun Yee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):347-357.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of family caregivers who care for the elderly under Long-term Care Insurance.
Data were collected using focus group interviews and analyzed using a phenomenological approach. The four focus groups consisted of eight caregivers, two social workers and three nurses in B city, Korea.
Five themes were identified: 'Obtaining a care-helper certification for employment', 'Taking care of the elderly in their homes', 'Difficulties due to life changes', 'Difficulties due to reduced wages' and 'Dissatisfaction with the Long-term Care Insurance operating system'.
The results of this study demonstrate that the long-term care system for family caregivers faces many systematic challenges in providing care for the elderly harmoniously in their home. To help them succeed in their tasks, Long-term Care Insurance system must offer respite and support programs to family caregivers.


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  • Influence of home care services on caregivers' burden and satisfaction
    Eun‐Young Kim, Hyun‐E Yeom
    Journal of Clinical Nursing.2016; 25(11-12): 1683.     CrossRef
  • Effects of family caregivers on the use of formal long‐term care in South Korea
    E.‐Y. Kim, E. Cho, N.‐J. Lee
    International Nursing Review.2013; 60(4): 520.     CrossRef
Factors Contributing to the Intention to Quit Smoking in Community-dwelling Elderly Smokers
Jung Soon Kim, Jung Ok Yu, Myo Sung Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):358-365.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to investigate factors associated with the intention to quit smoking in community-dwelling elderly smokers.
From the database of the Fourth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES-IV), the researchers selected 448 elderly smokers over the age of 65. Data were analyzed with the chi2 test and multiple logistic regression using the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program.
Of the respondents, 45.5% intended to quit. The factors associated with the intention to quit were relative youth, having limit of activity day living and having past attempts to quit.
Population-based smoking cessation programs, especially those targeted at the elderly, should take these predictors into consideration in the design of interventions.


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  • Smoking Awareness and Intention to Quit Smoking in Smoking Female Workers: Secondary Data Analysis
    Eun-Hye Lee, Sun-Hwa Shin, Goo-Churl Jeong
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(5): 2841.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting the Intention to Modify Lifestyle in the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Group in Korea
    JaeLan Shim, KyungAe Kim
    Healthcare.2021; 9(5): 496.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Socio-Economic Status on Smoking Cessation Plans in Smokers
    Mi-Jin Gong, Yong-Woo Shim
    The Korean Journal of Health Service Management.2018; 12(2): 135.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with Smoking Cessation Intention among Current Smokers with Diabetes: Analysis of the 2013 Community Health Survey in Korea
    Young-Hoon Lee, Jum Suk Ko
    Korean Journal of Health Promotion.2017; 17(3): 184.     CrossRef
  • A Comparison of Characteristics between Success Group and Failure Group of 1-year Continuous Smoking Abstinence in Young Adult and Middle-aged Male Workers: with Focus on the First-year Analysis of Korean Cross-sectional Survey
    Juna Lee, Insook Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(2): 95.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Smoking Cessation Intention of Female Workers: Using Community Health Survey, 2014
    Hye-Young Jang, Song Yi Han
    Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.2016; 25(4): 352.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with Intention to Quit Smoking in Community-dwelling Male Adult Smokers
    Hye-Ran Ahn
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(4): 364.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of Intention to Quit Smoking in Elderly Smokers following a Stroke
    Eun Su Do, Young-Sook Seo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2014; 21(1): 48.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of Intention to Quit Smoking among Woman Smokers in Korea
    Kyung-Yeon Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2014; 21(3): 253.     CrossRef
Acculturative Stress, Depression and Drinking Problems of Korean International Students in the United States
Soon Hee Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):366-375.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of drinking problems in Korean international students in the United States.
The subjects involved this study were 190 Korean international students in the United States. Data were measured using a drinking problems questionnaire, an acculturative stress scale for international student, and the CES-D. The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 17.0 program to calculate mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Sheffe test and pearson's correlation coefficient. and stepwise multiple regression.
1) The mean score of the degree of perceived acculturative stress was 2.15+/-0.63, of depression was 17.67+/-9.85, and of drinking problems was 15.03+/-15.52. 2) There were significant correlations between acculturative stress and drinking problems (r=.506, p<.001), between depression and drinking problems (r=.6726, p<.001), and between acculturative stress and depression (r=.453, p<.001). 3) In stepwise multiple regression analysis the most powerful predictor of drinking problems were acculturative stress (beta=.243, p<.001), and depression (beta=.562, p<.001).
Based on the results, practical implications for reducing the acculturative stress and improving the psychological well-being of Korean students were discussed.


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  • The Effects of Acculturative Stress, Career Stress, and Social Support on Depression in Korean International Students in China
    Ah Ra Lee, Hye Kyung Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(1): 96.     CrossRef
  • Binge drinking and drinking and driving among South Korean international college students in the USA
    J Sa, D-C Seo, TF Nelson, DK Lohrmann, NT Ellis
    Health Education Journal.2015; 74(1): 84.     CrossRef
  • Impacts of Social Support and Acculturative Stress on Depression among Korean Registered Nurses in the United States
    Young-Mi Jung
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2014; 20(2): 192.     CrossRef
Effects of Tailored Case Management using a Gatekeeper for the Depressed Single-household Elderly Population: Focusing on the Mental Health Case Management
Yun Jung Choi, Mi Ra Won
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):376-385.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of tailored case management using a gatekeeper on depression and life satisfaction in the single-household elderly population.
The design of Quasi experiment was applied to compare the variables before and after the management. Ninety-seven people who had depression categorized by the Korean Geriatric Depression Scale.
Depression (t=11.22, p<.001) and life satisfaction (t=-5.36, p<.001) were improved after management in comparison to the results of pre-tests, and the differences were statistically significant. The difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of the support system (chi2=13.89, p<.001) were significant, while the differences in the perception of depression (chi2=.02, p=.891) and coping methods (chi2=.34, p=.558) were not statistically significant.
Tailored case management using a gatekeeper is effective to reduce the degree of depression and improve life satisfaction in the single-household elderly population having depression. This study offers a model of individualized as well as systemic mental health care for the community of single-house hold elderly people as an effective means for prevention of and early intervention in depression.


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  • Examining Utilization of Formal Supports and Related Impacts on Overall Well-Being Among East Asian American Family Caregivers of Persons With Dementia: A Mixed-Methods Study
    Kathy Lee, Jessica Cassidy, Jihui Lee, Chang Hyun Seo, Alan Kunz Lomelin, Hye-Won Shin, Joshua D Grill, Tonya J Roberts
    The Gerontologist.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The mediating effect of life satisfaction and the moderated mediating effect of social support on the relationship between depression and suicidal behavior among older adults
    Mi‐Ra Won, Eun‐Joo Choi, Eunjung Ko, Youn‐Joo Um, Yun‐Jung Choi
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.2021; 36(11): 1732.     CrossRef
  • Mediating Effects of Social Support on Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Older Korean Adults With Hypertension Who Live Alone
    Eun Jeong NAM, Jong-Eun LEE
    Journal of Nursing Research.2019; 27(3): e20.     CrossRef
  • Case management effectiveness for managing chronic illnesses in Korea: a systematic review
    J.Y. Joo, M.F. Liu
    International Nursing Review.2019; 66(1): 30.     CrossRef
  • A social psychiatric approach to suicide prevention
    Sung-Wan Kim, Min Jhon, Mina Kim, Jong-Woo Paik, Jae-Min Kim, Jin-Sang Yoon
    Journal of the Korean Medical Association.2019; 62(2): 93.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Program to Improve Mental Health Literacy for Married Immigrant Women in Korea
    Yun-Jung Choi
    Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2017; 31(4): 394.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting the Intention to Participate in Healthcare Programs among Elders Living Alone
    Mi Sook Song, Sunjoo Boo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(4): 319.     CrossRef
  • Material hardship and depression among low‐income households in South Korea: Differences by household type
    Jaeseung Kim, Joyce Shim, RaeHyuck Lee
    International Journal of Social Welfare.2016; 25(2): 187.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Effect of Education Method for Adolescent's Suicide Prevention Using HMD and Virtual Reality
    Yungil Lee
    Journal of Korea Multimedia Society.2016; 19(2): 495.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Experience of Depression in Elderly Women Living Alone
    Mi-Ra Won, Kwang Ja Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2016; 25(3): 195.     CrossRef
Influence of Personal Characteristics, Childhood abuse and Stressful Experience on Suicidal Ideation in Middle School Students
Seog Hee Lee, Kyung Hee Kim, Ji Su Kim, Ki Sook Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):386-394.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing suicidal ideation in middle school students.
Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) results, personal characteristics, child abuse experiences, and stress were obtained from a sample of 657 middle school students from 3 conveniently selected schools in S city.
Suicidal ideation of participants was positively correlated with child abuse experience, stress, psychosomatic symptoms, antisocial personality and depressive tendencies, whereas sociability and self-esteem were negatively correlated with suicidal ideation. Significant factors influencing suicidal ideation included an antisocial personality tendency, stress related to the family environment, mental abuse, gender (female), depressive trend, running away from home, sociability, and stress related to academic performance. These factors explained 39.9% of the variance.
These results suggest that earlier screening and intervention programs for depression and stress in middle school students will be helpful in reducing suicidal ideation. Further studies are needed in which other strategies that could prevent suicidal ideation in middle school students are examined.


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  • Trends in Research on Adolescent Suicide Interventions
    Hun Ha Cho, Jung Mi Kang, Won Soon Kim
    Child Health Nursing Research.2018; 24(4): 393.     CrossRef
  • Associated Factors of Suicidal Ideation in Community Residents with Suicidal Attempt Experiences
    Mi-Young Kim, Seong-Sook Jun, Kyung Hee Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2013; 24(2): 135.     CrossRef
An Exploratory Study of Factors associated with the Health Behavior of Working Elderly with Chronic Diseases
Dong Ok Kim, Soon Nyung Yun
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):395-404.   Published online December 31, 2012
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This study aimed to identify the health behaviors of working elderly Koreans aged 65 over and examined the socio-demographic and disease-related factors by health behaviors.
This study used data obtained from the 2nd basic survey of the 2008 Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing. We selected 381 working elderly having one or more of the diseases hypertension, diabetes, heart disease or cerebrovascular disease.
78.9% out of the subjects have hypertension, 31.2% have diabetes, 12.3% have heart disease, and 6.3% have cerebrovascular disease. Compared to the health behaviors of the general elderly, the rate of the practice of regular exercise among the subjects was lower, but the smoking and drinking rate were higher. The significant variables associated with health behavior practice rates were gender, type of work, subjective health status and chronic diseases.
The type of work of the elderly with chronic diseases was significantly associated with health behaviors. Consequently, this study found that continuous care programs for the working elderly with chronic diseases should be developed and provided as an occupational health service when the jobs are offered to them.


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  • The Relationship between Health Belief and Exercise Compliance among Elderly Adults at Senior Centers
    Kyung Im Lee, Young Eun
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(2): 79.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Health Behavior, Resilience, and Recognition of Well-dying on the Depression of Elderly with Chronic Disease
    Jeong-Hyeon Kong, Hyeon-Hwa Hong, Eun-Young Jung
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(10): 7146.     CrossRef
Sexual maturation, Body image, and Self-esteem among Girls of Lower Grades in Elementary School
So Young Roh, Kye Ha Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):405-414.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to examine the sexual maturation, body image, and self-esteem of Korean elementary school girls with symptoms of precocious puberty compared to those with no symptoms of precocious puberty.
The subjects were 309 girls of lower grades in elementary school. Tanner's Sexual Maturation Rating (SMR), Self Image Scale, and Self-esteem Scale were utilized to determine the presence of symptoms of precocious puberty, body image, and self esteem. Collected data were analyzed by Chi-square test, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA using the SPSS/WIN 17.0 program.
The percentage of the girls with breast development was 14.9%. Breast development usually began in the third grade (56.5%). Of the subjects, 0.3% were experiencing menstruation. Breast development was related to grade, age, height, weight, and a cause of worry. There was a significant difference of body image between girls with breast development in the first grade and in the second grade.
An effective intervention that can improve the self-image of children with symptoms of precocious puberty should be developed to prevent and treat physical and mental problems related to sexual maturation.


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  • The effect of maturation on children's experience of physical education: Lessons learned from academy sport
    Christopher Towlson, Sean Cumming, Kate Donnan, John Toner
    European Physical Education Review.2025; 31(1): 129.     CrossRef
  • Perception of precocious puberty among school-aged children in South Korea with the experience of treatment for precocious puberty: a Q methodological approach
    Sun Jung Park, Hye Ri Nam, Eun Ju Choi
    Child Health Nursing Research.2023; 29(3): 195.     CrossRef
  • Experiences of Precocious Puberty in Primary School Girls with Hormone Therapeutics
    Soon Mi Cheon, Hye Young Jung
    Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2019; 25(4): 459.     CrossRef
  • Sexual Maturation, Attitudes towards Sexual Maturity, and Body Esteem in Elementary-School Children
    Sunah Park, Eunyoung Choi, Eunhee Lee, Mikyeong Byeon, Byeongju Lee, Kyea Jung
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2018; 24(2): 219.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Sexual Maturation, Parenting Attitude and Maturity Fear on Emotional and Behavioral Problems in Elementary School Girls
    Hun Ha Cho, So Hyun Moon
    Child Health Nursing Research.2017; 23(3): 329.     CrossRef
  • Association of Sexual Maturation and Parent-Child Communication on Maturity Fears in Elementary School Girls
    Hun Ha Cho, So-Hyun Moon
    Child Health Nursing Research.2016; 22(2): 137.     CrossRef
Trends in Home-visit Nursing Care by Agencies' Characteristics under the National Long-term Care Insurance System
Jung Suk Lee, Rah Il Hwang, Eun Jeong Han
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):415-426.   Published online December 31, 2012
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This study aimed to investigate trends in home-visit nursing care by agencies' characteristics under the national long-term care insurance system.
Cochran-Mantel-Haenzel tests were conducted, using data drawn from the nationwide long-term care insurance claim database of the Korean National Health Insurance Corporation from 2009 to 2011.
The number of home-visit nursing care agencies has decreased continuously since 2009. There were also similar trends in the total amount of service provided by home-visit nursing care agencies, the number of recipients, the number of employees, and payments. This study showed that there were statistically significant differences in the trends in home-visit nursing care by agencies' characteristics. Despite the overall downward trend, there were some increases in the percentage of home-visit nursing care provided by agencies which were established by individuals, located in large cities, and which combined home-visit care with home-visit bathing.
Home-visit nursing care agencies are responsible for providing community-based healthcare services. For past three years, however, they have not been utilized to their full potential. Understanding the trends in home-visit nursing care by agencies' characteristics is important to develop utilization strategies for home-visit nursing care.


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  • The influence of knowledge and self-efficacy on the performance of pressure injury care by home visit nursing workers in the long-term care insurance system
    Seungmi Park, Jiyeon Park, Ji Hyun Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2024; 30(4): 361.     CrossRef
  • Powerlessness, Family Support and Health Promoting Behavior in Elders Using Home Service under Korean Long-term Care Insurance
    Yanghee Pang, Oksoo Kim
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2017; 19(3): 184.     CrossRef
  • Regional Comparison of Home Visiting Care Service Satisfaction among Elder Beneficiaries of the Long Term Care Insurance
    Chanyeong Kwak
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(2): 114.     CrossRef
  • Economic Effect of Home Health Care Services for Community-dwelling Vulnerable Populations
    Eunhee Lee, Jinhyun Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2016; 46(4): 562.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Home Care Services Use by Older Adults on Family Caregiver Distress
    Jiyeon Kim, Hongsoo Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2016; 46(6): 836.     CrossRef
  • Policy Implications for Home-Visit Nursing(HVN) of the Korean Long Term Care Insurance through the implications of the Japanese HVN
    Hosihn Ryu, Kumi Arita
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2015; 29(3): 403.     CrossRef
The Effects of Case Management for Clients with Clonorchiasis in Riverside Areas
Chun Mi Kim, Hee Gerl Kim, Kyung Ja June, Souk Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):427-437.   Published online December 31, 2012
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In order to lower the infection rate and the reinfection rate of Clonorchiasis in high-risk areas, we performed and analyzed a case management on people with chlonorchisis.
The data was collected from April 2010 to March 2011. A community health practitioner was selected as a case manager based on our training program. The intervention group had 58 participants with three months of case management and the control group had 144 participants handled with traditional methods.
The pre and post-test in the intervention group and the control group showed us improved knowledge of Clonorchiasis, attitudes and behavior toward eating freshwater fish. The results of post-test between the intervention group and the control group showed statistically significant differences in all categories, except a hand-washing category. However, one year after a case management, there was no significant difference in the failure rate of treatment.
The case management was effective for people infected with Clornorchiasis near riverside areas; however, in order to lower the rates of reinfection and treatment failure, it is necessary to perform continuous monitoring and regular evaluations.


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  • A new method for estimating the prevalence of clonorchiasis in Korea
    Jin-Young Jeong, Jin Yong Lee, Byung-Suk Chung, Younghyun Choi, Allison Baer Alley, Hyun Joo Kim
    Medicine.2017; 96(13): e6536.     CrossRef
  • Population-Based Regional Cancer Incidence in Korea: Comparison between Urban and Rural Areas
    Haa-Na Song, Se-Il Go, Won Sup Lee, Yire Kim, Hye Jung Choi, Un Seok Lee, Myoung Hee Kang, Gyeong-Won Lee, Hoon-Gu Kim, Jung Hun Kang, Yune Sik Kang, Jeong-Hee Lee, Jin-Myung Jung, Soon Chan Hong
    Cancer Research and Treatment.2016; 48(2): 789.     CrossRef
The Effects of the Designated Doctor System on the Health of Medical Aid Beneficiaries
Jeong Myung Choi, Jin Joo Oh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):438-445.   Published online December 31, 2012
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Medical Aid Beneficiaries were surveyed to identify differences in health behaviors, adherence to drug regimen, and quality of life between those people in the Designated Doctor System and those who are not.
A total of 1,327 study subjects were separated into three groups: those in the Designated Doctor System for 2 years, those in for 1 year, and those not in the system.
After the introduction of the Designated Doctor System, 55.8% and 67.9%, respectively, of the subjects in the Designated Doctor System complained of inconvenience in relation to hospital use and the patient referral process. Also, the rate of emergency room use or hospitalization guided by the Designated Doctor System was only 8.7% and 6.5%, respectively. There were no significant differences in health behaviors and adherence to drug regimens between those in the Designated Doctor System and those who are not.
This study was carried out early in the introduction of the system. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the positive and negative effects of the Designated Doctor System for a full reflection of its impact.


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  • The Effect of Case Management Services for High-risk Medicaid Beneficiaries
    Young Jin Ahn, Yun-Kyoung Choi
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(8): 5430.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of the Designated Doctor System on Health Care Utilization of Medical Aid Beneficiaries with Chronic Diseases
    Min Jung Kim, Young-Ha Cho, Nam Hee Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2015; 26(3): 278.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Influential Factors on Satisfaction with the Use of Medical Services by the Qualified Recipients of Medical Aid(focusing on the period after the introduction of the selected medical center system)
    Jin-Woo Lee, Se-I Yang, Kwang-Hwan Kim
    Journal of Digital Convergence.2014; 12(3): 289.     CrossRef
Evaluation of KDSQ-C's Reliability and Validity between the Subject Elderly and Caregiver
In Sook Lee, Kwang Ok Lee, Young Ko
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):446-450.   Published online December 31, 2012
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This study is exploratory research to check the survey instrument KDSQ-C used to measure cognition for agreement between the elderly and their caregivers.
Elderly persons from 170 families, who are aged over 65, have never been diagnosed with dementia, and who have caregivers in S City and K City were randomly selected by their nurses. A survey was conducted in the time from September to November, 2009 through personal interviews using a questionnaire.
In terms of consistency among items, there was high consistency (0.813) in the responses regarding complex task competence for the statement 'it is hard to reach a destination alone with public transportation'. There was relatively low consistency (0.63) in the responses regard memory for the statement 'they forget an appointment'. When the subject elderly and caregiver live together, as when their children or spouses responded, consistency was greater than when the caregiver lived in a different home.
KDSQ-C showed high agreement in measurement between the subject elderly and their caregivers, demonstrating that it can be used as a measurement scale for cognition which can be directly applied to the subject elderly.


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  • Self‐ and informant‐reported cognitive functioning and awareness in subjective cognitive decline, mild cognitive impairment, and very mild Alzheimer disease
    Seon Young Ryu, Ahro Kim, SangYun Kim, Kyung Won Park, Kee Hyung Park, Young Chul Youn, Dong Woo Lee, Jun‐Young Lee, Jun Hong Lee, Jee Hyang Jeong, Seong Hye Choi, Hyun Jeong Han, Semi Kim, Seunghee Na, Misun Park, Hyeon Woo Yim, Dong Won Yang
    International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.2020; 35(1): 91.     CrossRef
  • Screening for Normal Cognition, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Dementia with the Korean Dementia Screening Questionnaire
    Sun-Ju Lee, Jung-Hoon Han, Jung-Won Hwang, Jong-Woo Paik, Changsu Han, Moon Ho Park
    Psychiatry Investigation.2018; 15(4): 384.     CrossRef
  • Correlation between Subjective and Objective Cognitive-Linguistic Tests in Older Adults
    Mi-Sook Lee
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2016; 17(5): 548.     CrossRef
The Relationship between Anger Expression and Self-esteem in Nursing College Students
Nam Hyun Cha, Eun Ju Seo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):451-459.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between anger expression and self-esteem in nursing college students.
A total of 297 subjects aged between 18 and 28 were selected through convenience sampling. Data were collected from March 2 to 25, 2011 using a self-reporting questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed with SPSS/WIN 15.0.
Differences in anger expression according to general characteristics were as follows. There were significant differences in violent attitude depending on gender (t=3.003, p<.01). Violent actions differed significantly depending on year in school (F=3.279, p<.05) and whether there is a dual income families (t=-2.23, p<.05). There were significant differences in self-esteem depending on year in school (F=4.553, p<.01), school record (F=15.18, p<.001) and the economic status of the parents (F=4.878, p<.01). There were positive correlations between violent attitude and violent actions, except between violent actions and self-esteem. 10.3% of the variance in violent actions was explained by violent attitude, self-esteem and school in year and perceived acceptance.
The findings of this study may be useful in understanding the anger expression of nursing college students and developing more specific programs to improve personality and self-control of the mind.


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  • Explore the Association of Anger with Academic Year Among Nursing Students at Private Nursing Institute Karachi Pakistan
    Afsha Bibi, Fazal Khaliq, Muhammad Ishaq, Hammad Ahmad, Hafiz Asim Rasool, Saqib Mahmood
    Pakistan BioMedical Journal.2024; : 06.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Clinical Practice Stress and Anger Expression on Assertive Behavior in Nursing Students
    Eun-Ju LEE, Gyu-Li BAEK
  • Attachment, emotion regulation and anger expression in adolescent depression: Did comorbid anxiety disorder not have a role?
    Gonca Özyurt, Yusuf Öztürk, Merve Onat, Caner Mutlu, Aynur Akay
    Current Psychology.2021; 40(2): 751.     CrossRef
  • Validity and Reliability of Metacognitive Rating Scale for Nursing Students
    Kyunghee Lee, Youngjin Heo, Mihwa Han, Mijung Kim, Hyunseok Choi
    Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2021; 30(3): 269.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Anger Expression on Communication Competence of Nursing Students
    Soonyang JANG
  • Comparing anger, anger expression, life stress and social support between Korean female nursing and general university students
    Won Hee Jun, Gyungjoo Lee
    Journal of Advanced Nursing.2017; 73(12): 2914.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Anger Expression on Self-Esteem in Dental Hygiene Students
    Yang-Keum Han, Ji-Su Yu, Han-Hong Kim
    Journal of dental hygiene science.2016; 16(3): 210.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Korean Enneagram Program on the Ego-identity, Interpersonal Relationship, and Self-leadership of Nursing College Students
    Weon-Gyeong Kim, Hyang-In Cho Chung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration.2015; 21(4): 393.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Learned Helplessness in Undergraduates
    Jung Choi, Bo Kyoung Cha
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2014; 28(3): 509.     CrossRef
  • Effects of College Life Characteristics on Depression, Anxiety, and Somatic Symptoms among Freshmen
    Mijeong Park, Jihea Choi, Eun Young Lee, Miyoung Park
    The Journal of the Korea Contents Association.2014; 14(1): 346.     CrossRef
  • The Association of Self-esteem and Social support with Depressive symptoms in College Students
    Eun-Mi Ji, Young-Chae Cho
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(5): 2996.     CrossRef
  • Depression, self‐esteem and anger expression patterns of Korean nursing students
    N.H. Cha, S.R. Sok
    International Nursing Review.2014; 61(1): 109.     CrossRef

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing