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Volume 27 (3); September 2016
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Factors Influencing Quality of Caregiving by Caregivers for Elders with Dementia
Chan Mi Kang, Jung Soon Kim, Jeong Hee Jeong
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):193-201.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The aim of the study is to determine factors influencing quality of caregiving by caregivers for the elderly with dementia.
Data were collected from 87 caregivers for elders with dementia who had visited in Busan Metropolitan Center for Dementia and D-University hospital outpatient center from July 10 to September 30, 2015. A self-reported questionnaire was used to assess the severity of the elders' dementia and knowledge of dementia, burdens and quality of caregiving by the caregivers. The SPSS 21.0 version program was used for data analysis. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, t-test, ANOVA and multiple regression.
Significant predictors of quality of caregiving by caregivers included caregivers' burdens (explanation power 25%), knowledge of dementia (explanation power 4%) and levels of education (explanation power 3%). These factors explained 32.3% of the variances in quality of caregiving.
Burdens on caregivers were a major factor that decreased quality of caregiving, and knowledge of dementia was a factor that increased it. These findings show that educational programs and intervention for reducing burdens and improving knowledge of dementia are necessary to improve quality of caregiving by caregivers.


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  • Factors influencing the care burden among family caregivers using dementia care centers for older adults with dementia in Korea: a cross-sectional descriptive study
    Ja Eun Kim, Soo Jin Lee
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2024; 26(4): 382.     CrossRef
  • Depression, Anxiety and Associated Factors in Family Caregivers of People With Dementia
    Su-Jeong Hong, Eyohan Ko, Malrye Choi, Nam-Ju Sung, Myeong-Il Han
    Journal of Korean Neuropsychiatric Association.2022; 61(3): 162.     CrossRef
  • Informal Caregiving and Alzheimer’s Disease: The Psychological Effect
    Emily Hellis, Elizabeta B. Mukaetova-Ladinska
    Medicina.2022; 59(1): 48.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Self-care on Burnout in Primary Family Caregiver of Person with Dementia
    Jeong Hwa Kwon, Gwi-Ryung Son Hong
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2021; 51(2): 217.     CrossRef
  • Relationship between Caring Burden and Caring Behavior among Family Caregivers of Elderly with Dementia in Community-Dwelling: Mediating Effects of Caring Self-Efficacy and Social Support
    Young Ju Oh, Myung Ha Lee, Hee Sun Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2020; 32(2): 186.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting the Care Burden of Nurses Caring Elderly Patients with Dementia
    Doo Ree Kim, Eun-Kyoung Han
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2019; 30(3): 368.     CrossRef
The Relationship among Family Support, Self-efficacy, Health Literacy, Perceived Health Status and Health-promoting Behavior in Married Immigrant Women
Cho hee Kang, Young Ran Han
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):202-212.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study is to examine the association of family support, self-efficacy, health literacy and perceived health status with health-promoting behavior (HPB) in married immigrant women.
A cross-sectional based survey was conducted to collect data from married immigrant women living in Gyeongsang province. Questionnaires included Health promoting lifestyle profile II, General self-efficacy scale, Korean Health literacy assessment and perceived health status.
157 subjects participated in the study (mean age, 30.47±6.83). Their duration of living in Korea was 63.05±50.11 months. Of the participants, 59.2% were Vietnamese. The level of HPB, perceived health status, health literacy, support of family and self-efficacy were 2.58±0.42, 3.39±0.86, 25.12± 20.99, 3.83±0.70 and 3.61±0.53 respectively. Factors affecting the HPB of the participants were support from family (β =.45, p<.001) and self-efficacy (β=.16, p<.05). The explanatory power of these two variables was 34.2%.
This study suggests that the factors influencing the HPB of married immigrant women include support from family and self-efficacy. A variety of programs should be provided for families so that they can support those women to help them increase their HPB. It is recommended that more various programs be provided to increase their self-efficacy.


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  • The effect of health literacy and self-efficacy levels of Syrian refugee university students on quality of life
    Hıdır Apak, Gülhan Yiğitalp, Oktay Tatlıcıoğlu
    Journal of Public Health.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Relationships Among Health Literacy, Self-Efficacy, Self-Management, and HbA1c Levels in Older Adults with Diabetes in South Korea: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Geun Young Jang, Soo Jung Chang, Jun Hee Noh
    Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.2024; Volume 17: 409.     CrossRef
  • Multiple mediation effect of coping styles and self-esteem in the relationship between spousal support and pregnancy stress of married immigrant pregnant women
    So-hyun Moon, Miok Kim
    PeerJ.2023; 11: e16295.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Perceived Health Status, Perceived Barrier, Cultural Acculturation on Empowerment in Married Migrant Women
    Yong-Sook EO, Yeon Hee LEE
  • Trends and Level in Health Literacy Research on Immigrants in Korea: A Literature Review
    Soo Jin Kang, Na Kyum Hyung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(3): 322.     CrossRef
  • The Impact of Social Cognitive Constructs on Dietary Behaviors in Breast Cancer Survivors
    Hyenam Hwang
    Asian Oncology Nursing.2016; 16(3): 139.     CrossRef
Effects of Aroma Foot Bath on Urination Status and Stress related to Urination in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Kye Ha Kim, Eun Ha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):213-220.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate effects of aroma foot bath on urination status (Prostatic Symptom and bother score due to urinary symptoms) and stress related to urination in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
This study consists of pre- and post-tests in a non-equivalent group design. The 52 BPH patients selected by random sampling in G City were assigned to two groups (experimental group=26, control group=26). Data of their general characteristics, urination status and stress related to urination were collected using self-reported questionnaires. Aroma Foot Bath was performed to the experimental group for 15-20 minutes every day for a week. Descriptive statistics and independent t-test were used for the analyses in this study with the SPSS/WIN 21.0 version program.
Prostatic symptom and bother score due to urinary symptoms in the experimental group were improved than those in the control group (t=-7.94, p<.001). Compared to the control group, the stress related to urination in the experimental group (t=-8.78, p<.001) was significantly reduced (t=-5.21, p<.001).
The results of this study indicate that aroma foot bath is effective in improving urination status and reducing stress related to urination in BPH patients.


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  • Mal Olorand Colonial Latin American History: Smellscapes in Lima, Peru, 1535–1614
    Kathleen Kole de Peralta
    Hispanic American Historical Review.2019; 99(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Effect of near‐infrared rays on female menstrual pain in Korea
    Jin‐min Lee, Kye‐ha Kim
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2017; 19(3): 366.     CrossRef
Factors associated with Meaning in Life among Elderly Female Community Dwellers Living Alone
Si Eun Lee, Boon Han Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):221-230.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study was conducted to examine the factors associated with meaning in life among elderly female community dwellers aged 65 or older who were living alone.
A quota sample of 222 elderly female living alone was recruited. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Welch's test, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression using the SPSS 22.0 program.
The factors associated with meaning in life included age, education level, perceived economic status, perceived health status, social support, and loneliness. This regression model explained 66% of the variance in meaning in life.
Based on the results, comprehensive nursing intervention programs for enhancing meaning in life are required.


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  • A Review on Community Care for Chronic Disease Management Based on Digital Health Care: For Elderly Living Alone
    Yu Jeong Park
    The Journal of Korean Diabetes.2023; 24(1): 48.     CrossRef
  • Mediating Effect of Health Behavior between Meaning in Life and Happiness Related to Aging among Commuity-dwelling Older Adults During COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study
    Eun-Ju Mun, Jin-Hwa Park
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2022; 24(3): 311.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Life Satisfaction in Middle-Aged Women
    Hee Kyung Kim, Hae Kyung Chang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2022; 29(3): 326.     CrossRef
  • Influence of the Meaning in Life, Depression, and Social Support on the Suicidal Ideation of Old Adult Hemodialysis Patients
    Jinhee Shin, Hyebeen Sim, Eunhee Cho
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(3): 279.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Social Support on Health Promotion Behavior through the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy in Older Women Living Alone
    Ji Hyun Oh
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2018; 20(3): 177.     CrossRef
Effects of Sarcopenic Obesity on Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Elders: Using Data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2008-2011)
Hyun A Choi, Kyung Min Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):231-241.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study was conducted to examine effects of sarcopenic obesity on metabolic syndrome in Korean elders.
This study is based on the analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) with 1,155 subjects (524 men, and 631 women) aged 60 or older, from 2008 to 2011. Sarcopenia was defined as an appendicular skeletal muscle (ASM), divided by weight (%) of <1 SD (standard deviation) below the sex-specific mean for young adults. Obesity was defined as a total body fat percent (men≥25%, women≥35%).
The prevalence of SO (sarcopenic obesity) was 13.3% among men and 22.5% among women. Both sexes showed a higher total body fat percent, and the SMI (skeletal muscle index) was the lowest in the SO group. Metabolic syndrome was highly prevalent in the SO group (52.5% men, 60.4% women). The SO group showed a higher risk for metabolic syndrome (odds ratio men 6.57 [95% CI 5.19~7.27], women 3.89 [95% CI 2.41~6.29]) than the obese group (men 3.14 [95% CI 1.76~4.14], women 2.54 [95% CI 1.38~4.65]).
SO is a major risk factor for metabolic syndrome in Korean elders. Therefore, a nursing program should be given to the Korean elderly SO group to prevent metabolic syndrome.


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  • Sarcopenia: recent advances for detection, progression, and metabolic alterations along with therapeutic targets
    Syeda Roohina Ali, Augustine T. Nkembo, Srinivas M. Tipparaju, Muhammad Ashraf, Wanling Xuan
    Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology.2024; 102(12): 697.     CrossRef
  • Does an Association among Sarcopenia and Metabolic Risk Factors Exist in People Older Than 65 Years? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies
    María del Carmen Carcelén-Fraile, Agustín Aibar-Almazán, Diego Fernando Afanador-Restrepo, Yulieth Rivas-Campo, Carlos Rodríguez-López, María del Mar Carcelén-Fraile, Yolanda Castellote-Caballero, Fidel Hita-Contreras
    Life.2023; 13(3): 648.     CrossRef
  • Associations between Sarcopenia and Metabolic Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
    Yang Du, Chorong Oh, Jaekyung No
    Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome.2018; 27(3): 175.     CrossRef
Elderly Koreans' Perception of Nursing Homes
Se Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):242-253.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This research aims to understand the perceptions of nursing homes from the perspective of the elderly, explores the themes of such perception and provides supporting evidence for developing nursing intervention that focuses on the subjects of care within nursing homes.
This research is based on qualitative research in a phenomenological methodology. The research participants included elders aged 67~83 living at home in Jeonnam, Jeonbuk Provinces and G City. Data collection methodologies included in-depth interviews and observation of participants. The data were analyzed in the phenomenological methodology by Colaizzi.
As a result of the research, it was found that all significant statements about the Korean elders' perception of nursing homes fell within 3 categories with 9 major themes and 23 minor themes. The three observed categories for the Korean elders' perception on nursing homes were: 'places they do not like to be in', 'places they have to be in' and 'places that makes them feel fortunate as they have a place to go'.
This research provides foundational tools that will provide a steer for changes in nursing environment, physiological support, programs and education so that the needs of the elderly can be met more sufficiently.


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  • Time in the State of Dementia Caregiving in South Korea: When Care Becomes (Non-)Waiting
    Jieun Lee
    Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry.2023; 47(4): 898.     CrossRef
  • Person-Centered Care Experience of Nursing Home Workers: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis Study
    Eun Young Kim, Sung Ok Chang
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2022; 24(1): 33.     CrossRef
Health Promotion Behaviors of Rural Elderly Women Living Alone and Their Life Satisfaction
Ha Jeong Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):254-261.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This study was conducted to investigate the correlation between degrees of health promotion behaviors and life satisfaction and effects of health promotion behaviors on life satisfaction in rural elderly women living alone.
A descriptive correlation study was conducted with 189 rural elderly women living alone aged 65 or older in four senior counties in Jeollanam-do. Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression.
The subjects' health promotion behaviors and life satisfaction were significantly positive. Among the factors influencing the subjects' life satisfaction, nutrition and diet showed the greatest positive effects, followed by exercise and activity, and drinking and smoking. Among them, drinking and smoking had significantly negative influence.
Among the health promotion behaviors that influenced life satisfaction, nutrition and diet, exercise and activity, and drinking and smoking were most significant factors. Therefore, this study provided basic data for improving the life satisfaction among rural elderly women living alone.


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  • Ageing Perception as a Key Predictor of Self-Rated Health by Rural Older People—A Study with Gender and Inclusive Perspectives
    Vanessa Zorrilla-Muñoz, María Silveria Agulló-Tomás, Carmen Rodríguez-Blázquez, Alba Ayala, Gloria Fernandez-Mayoralas, Maria João Forjaz
    Land.2022; 11(3): 323.     CrossRef
  • Perceived Barriers to Rural Elderly Women’s Health-Promoting Behaviors: An Ecological Perspective
    Hyunjung Moon, Sunkyung Cha, Eunyoung Park
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020; 17(17): 6107.     CrossRef
  • Effect of a Comprehensive Health Care Program on Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose, Body Composition, and Depression in Older Adults Living Alone: A Quasi-Experimental Pretest–Posttest Study
    Eun Jeong Hwang, In Ok Sim
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2019; 17(1): 220.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Social Support on Health Promotion Behavior through the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy in Older Women Living Alone
    Ji Hyun Oh
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2018; 20(3): 177.     CrossRef
The Association of Food Label Use with Objective and Subjective Obesity among a Korean Population
In Sook Lee, Ko Woon Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):262-271.   Published online September 30, 2016
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Using food labels has been related to healthy eating habits and positive health outcomes. The purpose of this study is to describe the prevalence of food labels utilization and the association between food label use and obesity related factors.
We conducted a self-reported population-based survey including health behaviors, 24-hour recalls, measurements of body mass indices with 6,266 Koreans aged 10 or older. χ2-test and ANOVA examined differences in demographic factors, health behavioral factors, and nutrition factors in tandem with food label use categories. Multivariates logistic regression was used to estimate association between food label use and obesity factors.
The percentages of food label users and non-users who perceive food labels were 21.8% and 48.5% respectively. In the multivariate logistic regression, food label use had significant positive associations with women, age, income, education attainment, and subjective obesity. After adjusting for socioeconomic factors and dietetic treatments, the positive associations between food label use and subjective obesity, weight control, and subjective obesity with objective normal weight remained.
In order to improve eating habits and weight management, the obesity population that does not use food labels needs to receive proper nutrition education including food choice and body image correction.


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  • Evaluation of Food Labeling Policy in Korea: Analyzing the Community Health Survey 2014–2017
    Heui Sug Jo, Su Mi Jung
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2019;[Epub]     CrossRef
Effects of Visiting Nursing Services in Long-term Care Insurance on Utilization of Health Care
Sang Jin Lee, Chanyeong Kwak
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):272-283.   Published online September 30, 2016
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This is a comparative study using secondary data from the Korean national long term care (LTC) insurance.
Visiting nursing (VN) service users (n=666) and non-users (n=4,375) were extracted and compared in terms of medical expenditures, length of hospitalization, and annual number of ambulatory care visits to investigate effects of VN services in LTC.
Total health care expenditures were compared between the two groups and it was found that VN service users spent about $ 1700 than non-users for their medical costs between 2009 and 2011. The average length of in-hospital stay for VN service users was 19.4 days shorter than that of non-users. However, using VN services did not significantly influence the annual number of ambulatory care visits.
The study has found that VN services are effective ways of providing community-based LTC services. We recommend LTC policy makers to further utilize VN services to deliver cost effective health care services.


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  • The influence of knowledge and self-efficacy on the performance of pressure injury care by home visit nursing workers in the long-term care insurance system
    Seungmi Park, Jiyeon Park, Ji Hyun Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2024; 30(4): 361.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated With Medical Expenses Among Long‐Term Care Insurance Recipients Aged 65 Years or Older in Korea
    Ok Kyung Ham, Insook Cho, Dahye Kim, Minhee Suh
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Impact of long-term care insurance on medical costs and utilization by patients with Parkinson's disease
    Seung Hoon Kim, Eun-Cheol Park, Suk-Yong Jang
    Social Science & Medicine.2023; 317: 115563.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Outcomes of the Utilization of Visiting Nursing Service at the Integrated Visiting Nursing Center in Bucheon-si
    Hyun-Kyung Park, Ae Jung Yoo, Ju Young Yoon, Jae Woo Choi
    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 127.     CrossRef
  • The Economic and Health Effects of Long-term Care Insurance: New Evidence from Korea
    Hoolda Kim, Sophie Mitra
    SSRN Electronic Journal.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Influencing factors of pressure injury healing in an acute care setting: A retrospective cohort study
    Chanyeong Kwak, Young Ko
    Journal of Tissue Viability.2022; 31(1): 152.     CrossRef
  • Comparison between the Aged Care Facilities Provided by the Long-Term Care Insurance (LTCI) and the Nursing Hospitals of the National Health Insurance (NHI) for Elderly Care in South Korea
    Hyeri Shin
    Healthcare.2022; 10(5): 779.     CrossRef
  • The Economic and Health Effects of Long-Term Care Insurance: New Evidence from Korea
    Hoolda Kim, Sophie Mitra
    The Journal of the Economics of Ageing.2022; 23: 100412.     CrossRef
  • Critical Thinking Disposition, Job Competency, and Educational Needs of Home Visiting Nurses in the Long-term Care Insurance
    Keunyoung Shin, Sujin Shin
    Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing.2021; 23(1): 54.     CrossRef
  • Examination of the Educational Needs of Home Visit Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study
    Kyuri Lee, Dukyoo Jung
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(5): 2319.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Status of Application of Health Insurance Fees for Nursing Activities of Nurses in Rehabilitation Unit
    Oon Hee Yee, Sun-Houng Kim, Mihwa Cho, Kyung Hee Moon, Seungyoung Lee
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2021; 24(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Demand and willing to pay for oral hygiene service in long-term care insurance of elderly
    Han-Nah Kim, Gi-Yon Kim, Hie-Jin Noh, Nam-Hee Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.2018; 42(4): 204.     CrossRef
  • The Level of Performance, Frequency and Educational Needs of Nursing Activities in Long-term Care Hospital
    Sun-Sook Moon, Yeon Ok Suh, Kyung-Woo Lee, Jasung Gu
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2018; 21(2): 110.     CrossRef
  • Effects of home-visit nursing services on hospitalization in the elderly with pressure ulcers: a longitudinal study
    Hyo Jung Lee, Yeong Jun Ju, Eun-Cheol Park, Juyeong Kim, Sang Gyu Lee
    European Journal of Public Health.2017; 27(5): 822.     CrossRef
  • Performance, Delegation, Job Importance and Education Needs for Tasks of Rehabilitation Nurses
    Suh, Yeon Ok, Oon Hee Yee, Inja Kim
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2017; 20(2): 79.     CrossRef
  • Association between home-visit nursing utilization and all-cause hospitalization among long-term care insurance beneficiaries: A retrospective cohort study
    Yeong Jun Ju, Hyo Jung Lee, Woorim Kim, Sang Ah Lee, Kyu-Tae Han, Eun-Cheol Park
    International Journal of Nursing Studies.2017; 75: 93.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with the Changes in Activities of Daily Living in Older Adults with Stroke: A Comparison of Home Care and Institutional Care
    Woon-Sook Jung, Eun-Shil Yim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(4): 388.     CrossRef
Development and Evaluation of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Education Materials for Middle-aged Korean-Chinese Female Workers: Applying Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printable Materials (PEMAT-P)
Hyeon Kyeong Lee, Jung Hee Kim, Ri Yoo, Ja yin Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(3):284-298.   Published online September 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate the quality (understandability and actionability) of health education materials for Korean-Chinese (KC) female migrant workers, using Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printable Materials (PEMAT-P).
Educational needs assessment was conducted with 3 focus groups with 20 KC women and a focus group with 4 community stakeholders. The quality of the educational materials was evaluated by 3 experts and a community stakeholder, followed by a survey with 15 KC women using 17 items for understandability and 7 items for actionability by means of a Korean version PEMAT-P.
The health educational calendar consists of 12 subjects out of 9 topics related to healthy lifestyles for preventing cardiovascular diseases. The overall mean understandability score was 98.8% and the overall mean actionability was 100%.
Involvement of KC women and community stakeholders in the development of educational materials was found to be an effective strategy for increasing understandability and actionability of educational materials for KC female migrant workers. This study also demonstrates the PEMAT-P is a useful evaluation tool, emphasizing the actionability of educational materials.


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  • Effect of a pragmatic lifestyle modification intervention on physical activity levels and body mass index among obese and overweight adolescents in Udupi, India: a cluster randomized trial
    prateek srivastav, Vaishali K, H Vinod Bhat, Suzanne Broadbent
    F1000Research.2024; 13: 859.     CrossRef
  • The Moderating Effect of Mental Health on the Relationship Between Cardiovascular Disease Awareness and Health Behaviors of Middle-Aged Korean Chinese Workers With Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Korea
    Yu Zhu Zhang, Seon Young Hwang
    Journal of Transcultural Nursing.2023; 34(2): 131.     CrossRef
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    Journal of Medical Internet Research.2023; 25: e39808.     CrossRef
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    Emi Furukawa, Tsuyoshi Okuhara, Hiroko Okada, Ritsuko Shirabe, Rie Yokota, Reina Iye, Takahiro Kiuchi
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2022; 19(23): 15763.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of the Heart Failure in Internet Patient Information: Descriptive Survey Study
    Kyoung Suk Lee, Yoo Mi Cho, Sung Hee Oh, Mi Sook Jung, Ju Young Yoon
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(3): 1047.     CrossRef
  • Development of a Living Lab for a Mobile-Based Health Program for Korean-Chinese Working Women in South Korea: Mixed Methods Study
    Youlim Kim, Hyeonkyeong Lee, Mi Kyung Lee, Hyeyeon Lee, Hyoeun Jang
    JMIR mHealth and uHealth.2020; 8(1): e15359.     CrossRef

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing