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The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Benevolent Childhood Experiences, and Community Integration on Resilience in Psychiatric Outpatients
Keum Ran Hong, Hye Kyung Lee
Res Community Public Health Nurs. 2024;35(4):313-324.   Published online December 30, 2024
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The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of adverse childhood experiences, positive childhood experiences, and community integration on resilience in psychiatric outpatients.
The study subjects were 166 psychiatric outpatients in one general hospital in South Korea who were diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar disorder, or depression disorder. The collected data were analyzed with the t-test, ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, multiple regression analysis, using the SPSS/WIN 24 program.
There were statistically significant differences in resilience in psychiatric outpatients according to age, religion, occupation, type of household, type of diagnosed disorder. In psychiatric outpatients, resilience showed a significant positive correlation with benevolent childhood experiences and community integration, but had a negative correlation with adverse childhood experiences. Multiple regression analysis for resilience in psychiatric outpatients revealed that the significant factors affecting resilience were community integration, benevolent childhood experiences, adverse childhood experiences, housing facilities (type of household), ages 40-49, and living alone (type of household). These factors explained 52.2% of the variance.
In order to improve the resilience of mentally ill people, a campaign is needed to increase the accessibility of community participation programs in mental health services for community integration and to publicize the influence of benevolent childhood experiences and adverse childhood experiences. Furthermore, it is necessary to identify individual factors such as residence type and age of mentally ill people, build a customized support system by considering their specific needs, and develop intervention programs to strengthen resilience.
Concept Analysis of Parents’ Treatment Adherence for an Epileptic Child or Adolescent
Juna Lee, Ju Young Yoon
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(2):205-219.   Published online June 30, 2021
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This concept analysis was conducted to clarify ‘parents’ treatment adherence for an epileptic child or adolescent’.
The analysis used a hybrid model comprising three phases: theoretical phase, fieldwork phase, and integration phase. In the theoretical phase, fifty studies were reviewed. Interviews with four parents of epileptic children or adolescents were conducted during the fieldwork phase. In the integration phase, the results derived from prior phases were synthesized and clarified. All phases were performed cyclically.
The concept, ‘parents’ treatment adherence for an epileptic child or adolescent’ was defined as parents’ voluntary and goal-directed behavior towards the epilepsy treatment for their children: a collaborative decision-making process with health-care providers, establishing a support system, adaptability to the treatment plans, and appraisals of the child’s health condition.
This achievement is thought to contribute to improving the accuracy and validity of the concept measurement. It has implications for additional research on how the concept ‘treatment adherence’ differs in diverse health problems and other population groups than parents of children and adolescents with epilepsy.


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  • Interaction between healthcare providers and parents of children or adolescents with epilepsy: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis
    Sujin Lee, Juna Lee
    Epilepsy & Behavior.2024; 158: 109940.     CrossRef
  • Development of a parent questionnaire to assess treatment adherence for a child or adolescent with epilepsy
    Juna Lee, Ju Young Yoon
    Epilepsy & Behavior.2023; 140: 109112.     CrossRef
  • Transfer anxiety in parents of children transferred from pediatric intensive care units to general wards in South Korea: a hybrid concept analysis
    Jisu Park, Eun Kyoung Choi
    Child Health Nursing Research.2022; 28(2): 154.     CrossRef
The Changed Parenting Experiences of Mothers of Elementary School Students in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Seol Hwa Moon, Eun Mi Oh, Sun Young You
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(2):162-174.   Published online June 30, 2021
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The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the changed parenting experiences of mothers of elementary school kids living in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak in Korea. Methods: From July to August in 2020, 10 mothers parenting elementary school students under the COVID-19 were interviewed in depth. For data analysis, a phenomenological research methodology suggested by Colaizzi was used.
According to the analysis, the experiences of mothers consisted of four categories: the ‘pain from the uncontrollable COVID-19’, ‘the problem of family relations due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation’, ‘standing firm against the drastic changes’, and ‘accepting the world changed by the COVID-19’.
The findings in this study vividly represent the parenting experiences of mothers of elementary school students after the outbreak of COVID-19. As the pandemic persists, mothers parenting elementary school students feel complex emotions and experience exhaustion, but in the process, they found family members growing positively and trying to adjust to each other to overcome the crisis. To support positive adaptation to catastrophic situations, an institutional and political foundation is needed to develop a systematic crisis management program customized for mothers and families of elementary school students. The results of this study can be used as basic data when establishing national policies and support systems so that mothers parenting elementary school students can better adapt to and overcome crisis situations.


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  • The Effects of Stress Vulnerability and Parental Burnout on Mental Health in Women with Early School-Age Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Mediating Effect of Spirituality
    Mijung Yeom, Min Kwon
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2024; 54(1): 106.     CrossRef
  • Latent profile analysis of depression among dual-income couples raising young children before and after COVID-19
    Jiwon Bang, Sung-Kyung Yoo
    Journal of Families and Better Life.2024; 42(1): 43.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Depression and Fear in Dual-Income Parents on Work-Family Conflict During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Gijung Jung, Ji Sun Ha, Mihyeon Seong, Ji Hyeun Song
    Sage Open.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Care-related Topic Trends during COVID-19 on an Online Parenting Forum: Topic Modeling by Family Life Cycle
    You Rok Do
    Journal of Families and Better Life.2023; 41(1): 29.     CrossRef
  • A Case Study on the Parenting Experience of Mothers with Infants During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Minji Lee, Jihyeon Oh
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2022; 33(2): 295.     CrossRef
  • Association Among Mothers’ Loneliness, Cognitive Flexibility, and Children’s Social Competence: Moderated Mediating Effect of Mothers’ Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on Daily Lives
    Yea-Ji Hong
    Korean Journal of Child Studies.2022; 43(2): 125.     CrossRef
  • Mothers’ experience of caring for home-quarantined children after close contact with COVID-19 in Korea: an exploratory qualitative study
    Hyeyeon Lee, Mihui Kim, Ocksim Kim, Sue Kim, Seongmi Choi
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2021; 27(3): 220.     CrossRef
Ecological Factors and Strategies for Childhood Obesity Prevention Targeting Vulnerable Children: Using Community-Based Participatory Research
Soo Yeon Park, Jin A Choo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(3):256-268.   Published online September 30, 2020
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This study aimed to explore ecological factors and strategies for childhood obesity prevention targeting vulnerable children using a community-based participatory research (CBPR) methodology.
The CBPR was conducted by following basic process steps. Participants were 12 community stakeholders such as community child center directors (n=4), vulnerable children’s mothers (n=3), community health center officials (n=2), and lay health advisors (n=4); they were purposively sampled from K municipal county in Seoul, South Korea. The qualitative content analysis was performed to explore main themes of the ecological factors and strategies by using data obtained from 5 times of focus group interview.
Twelve ecological factors associated with childhood obesity prevention were identified: Intrapersonal factors including emotional overeating; interpersonal factors including permissive parenting style of children’s eating behaviors; organizational factors including social workers’ less educational opportunities; and community/policy factors including less government financial support. Four ecological strategies for childhood obesity prevention were addressed: Developing obesity prevention programs targeting vulnerable children’ lifestyles; promoting parents’ active participation in education; building healthy meal service environments through empowering social workers; and building supportive community environment and securing community resources for child obesity prevention.
Our findings may be informative in terms of providing a comprehensive understanding of multi-level ecological barriers against vulnerable children’ obesity prevention and, moreover, guiding multi-level strategies for preventing childhood obesity targeting children enrolled in community child centers.


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  • Identification of important features in overweight and obesity among Korean adolescents using machine learning
    Serim Lee, JongSerl Chun
    Children and Youth Services Review.2024; 161: 107644.     CrossRef
  • 지역사회 아동ㆍ청소년 비만 예방관리사업 역량강화를 위한 정책 제언
    수진 박, 소정 정, 효선 정, 영민 노, 은구 강, 용희 홍
    Public Health Weekly Report.2024; 17(20): 840.     CrossRef
  • Barriers and Facilitators of Pediatric Obesity Prevention and Management (POPM) Programs in Korea: Focusing on the Questionnaire About the Linkage in Community Level
    Sujin Park, Hyo Seon Jeong, Young-Min Noh, Eungu Kang, Yong Hee Hong, Sochung Chung
    Journal of Korean Medical Science.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Social Ecological Factors for Adolescent Obesity: Using the 2021 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data
    Kyong Sil Park
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2023; 48(3): 233.     CrossRef
  • What Are the Challenges of School Nurses in South Korea in Managing Obese Children From Low-Income Households?
    Jeonghyun Cho, Jiyoung Park, Chongwon Park, Jinah Lee, Jina Oh, Gahui Hwang
    The Journal of School Nursing.2023; 39(6): 506.     CrossRef
  • Exploratory study on obesity among middle-aged women in rural areas based on the Socio-ecological Model
    Heui Sug Jo, Jong Sun Lee, Su Mi Jung, Yuliya Dronina, Yu Kyung Park, Yang Jun Park
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2021; 38(5): 1.     CrossRef
The Health-related Quality of Life for Children with a Mentally Ill Parent
Eun Hye Kim, Sook Bin Im
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(3):234-243.   Published online September 30, 2020
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This study is aimed to identify the health-related quality of life for children with a mentally ill parent.
The 13 participants were school-aged children whose parents were registered at the D Regional Mental Health Welfare Center. Data were collected using one-on-one interview with illustration cards and analyzed by content analysis.
The participants were living a difficult life in anxiety amid a reversal of parent-child role, such as doing housework and taking care of their parents. The study revealed a love-hate family relationship that the participants wanted parental recognition and attention but they were frustrated by insufficient parental care and sibling conflict. Nevertheless, they only had each other themselves to trust and rely on. Their mixed health awareness and negative emotions were influenced by parents. Some of participants were exposed to dangerous environment such as domestic violence, and they need support system for help in difficult situations. Sometimes they felt happy by satisfying physiological, social, and self-esteem needs. They also showed a positive potential that they were matured more than peers through the experience of overcoming difficulties.
Not only were there not enough attention and support for the children with mentally ill people, but they were also exposed to an environment that threatens their physical or mental health. Therefore, to improve their health-related quality of life, there should be some integrated support of the community health system to cope with the challenges they face.


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  • Children in the Blind Spot of Social Medical Concerns: Supporting Children with Mentally Ill Parents in Korea
    Sookbin Im, Myoung Lyun Heo
    Community Mental Health Journal.2021; 57(8): 1525.     CrossRef
Effects of Psychological, Parenting and Relational Characteristics of Mothers of Preschool Children on Their Depression Levels
Hye Young Song, Won Jin Ju, Yang Hee Pang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2018;29(4):393-403.   Published online December 31, 2018
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The purpose of this study is to examine depression levels of some Korean mothers of preschool children and to find out how much influence their psychological, parenting and relational characteristics have on their depression.
This study has been conducted to analyze depression-related and -influencing factors of the Korean mothers of preschool children [7th Panel Study of Korean Children (2014)]. Correlation analysis has been used to examine the relationship between the mothers' psychological, parenting and relational factors and their depression. Hierarchical analysis has been employed to clarify the factors associated with depression.
Hierarchical regression analysis has found out that the significant predictors of the depression of the Korean mothers of preschool children include age, educational and employment status, monthly income, smoking status in Model 1. The significant variable is self-esteem in Model 2, parenting stress in Model 3, and, lastly, marital conflict in Model 4.
Through this study, it has been discovered that the psychological characteristics of the Korean mothers of preschool children are the most influential factor affecting their depression. The results suggest that it is necessary to develop a community program for improving self-esteem and reducing parenting stress of Korean mothers of preschool children in their parenting.


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  • The Influence of Ego-identity, Parenting Efficacy and Stress Coping Style on Depression in Mothers of Toddlers
    Hyun-Yi Chai, Mi-Young Choi
    Child Health Nursing Research.2019; 25(2): 196.     CrossRef
Exploring Psycho-social Determinants to Child Neglect and Abuse among Caregivers with Young Children
Ah Rim Kim, Young Ran Tak
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(1):81-94.   Published online March 31, 2016
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The objective of this study was to investigate the relations among psycho-social factors regarding child neglect and abuse using the data from the 2013 Korea National Survey on Children and Youth.
Data from a sample of 1,062 primary caregivers with young children were analyzed with the SPSS and AMOS programs to examine the interrelationships among depression, parenting stress, marital satisfaction, parent-child attachment, and child neglect or maltreatment.
Depression, stress, and attachment had a direct influence on child neglect and abuse. Satisfaction with marital relationship, parenting stress, and attachment were found to play mediating roles in accounting for child neglect and abuse, explaining 12% of the variance. The results of multi group path analysis showed that some coefficients were different according to the age group of the children. For caregivers with infants, parenting stress did not predict either attachment or child maltreatment, whereas for caregivers with toddlers, depression did not have a significant effect on attachment.
In order to prevent child maltreatment, efforts should be made to develop community-based psycho-social support interventions focused on marital relationship as well as parent-child dyads and to provide practical child care support.


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  • Risk factors for child maltreatment in South Korea: An investigation of a nationally representative sample
    Jaejin Ahn, Joan P. Yoo
    Asian Social Work and Policy Review.2019; 13(3): 282.     CrossRef
  • Validation of the Korean Version of the Maternal Postpartum Attachment Development Scale for Mothers of Children who were in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
    Ah Rim Kim, Young Ran Tak
    Korean Journal of Child Studies.2018; 39(1): 129.     CrossRef
Health Behaviors and Health-related Quality of Life among Vulnerable Children in a Community
Su Yeon Kim, Jin A Choo
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(3):292-302.   Published online September 30, 2015
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The purpose of this study was to examine the association between health behaviors and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among vulnerable children in a community.
Using data from 'The Obesity Prevention Framework for Vulnerable Children', a secondary analysis was conducted for 165 children (ages 8~12 years) and their parents who were recruited from 16 K-gu Community Child Centers in Seoul. Six types of health behaviors related to eating and activity were assessed. Each behavior was categorized into the non-recommended vs. recommended levels. The scores of the recommended levels of the six health behaviors were summed up for the composite score of health behaviors. HRQOL was measured by KIDSCREEN-52.
The groups with a non-recommended level of fast food intake and sedentary behavior had a significantly lower total score of KIDSCREEN-52 than those with a recommended level. Moreover, the lower composite score of health behaviors was significantly associated with the lower total score of KIDSCREEN-52.
Among the vulnerable children, the six recommended health behaviors and their composite score were in significant positive associations with the HRQOL levels. Therefore, nursing strategies for enhancing the recommended levels of health behaviors are needed for vulnerable children.


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  • Effects of Multidisciplinary Health Promotion Program Among Children in Community Childcare Center
    Yerin Kim, Gyeong Seob Shin, Jungwon Park, Minji Kang, Kumhee Son, Yoon Myung Kim, Kyung Hee Park, Hyunjung Lim
    Clinical Nutrition Research.2024; 13(1): 8.     CrossRef
  • Diet-Related Disparities and Childcare Food Environments for Vulnerable Children in South Korea: A Mixed-Methods Study
    Jiyoung Park, Seolhyang Baek, Gahui Hwang, Chongwon Park, Sein Hwang
    Nutrients.2023; 15(8): 1940.     CrossRef
  • Development of Forest-based Health Promotion Program forVulnerable School Children
    Kyung-Sook Bang, Sungjae Kim, Min Kyung Song, KyungIm Kang, Yeseul Jeong
    Perspectives in Nursing Science.2020; 17(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Health Behaviors in Late School-aged Children from Multicultural Families
    Sangmi Lee
    Child Health Nursing Research.2020; 26(1): 23.     CrossRef
  • A Systematic Review of Interventions with Low-Income School-Age Children and Adolescents
    Ji-hye Hwang, HyunJee Choi, Hyo Jin Jeong, Chorong Kim, YunJung Woo
    Perspectives in Nursing Science.2018; 15(2): 92.     CrossRef
  • The Differences in Obesity Rates According to Status of Co-Residence with Their Parents in Korean Adolescents: The Implication of the Gender of Single Parent Living with Adolescents
    Nahee Kim, Young Gyu Cho, Jae-Heon Kang, Hyun Ah Park, Kyoungwoo Kim, Yang-Im Hur, Duho Kwon
    Korean Journal of Health Promotion.2018; 18(4): 177.     CrossRef
  • Ecological factors associated with behavioral problems in vulnerable children
    Jina Choo, Hye‐Jin Kim, Melanie T. Turk, Eun‐Kyung Kim, Kyung‐Sook Yang
    Japan Journal of Nursing Science.2017; 14(3): 205.     CrossRef
  • Ecological predictors of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) among children from low-income families in South Korea
    Jiyoung Park, Suyon Baek
    Children and Youth Services Review.2017; 81: 238.     CrossRef
Health Literacy and Health Behavior in Late School-age Children
Byeong Soon Jang, Dong Hee Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(3):199-208.   Published online September 30, 2015
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This study was conducted to analyze the association between health literacy and health behavior and the effect of health literacy on health behavior in late school-age children.
Data were obtained from 333 participants who were 5th and 6th-grade students sampled from 8 elementary schools in Busan. Rapid Estimate of Adolescent Literacy in Medicine (REALM-Teen) and Newest Vital Sign (NVS) was used for assessing linguistic and functional health literacy, and the health promotion behavior score was measured for health behavior.
The percentage of those with limited linguistic and functional health literacy was high (47.1%, 56.8%). Linguistic health literacy (r=.38, p<.001) and functional health literacy (r=.11, p=.048) had a correlation with health behavior. Health behavior was significantly associated with perceived health status (beta=1.94, p<.001), number of times of health education (beta=0.18, p<.001), academic achievement (p<.001), home literacy environment (beta=0.13, p=.016), perception of changes after health education (p=.011), and linguistic health literacy (beta=0.23, p<.001).
The results of this study indicate that children with adequate health literacy are more likely to do health behaviors. Therefore, it is important to develop educational strategies to raise children's health literacy level and consequently to induce them to perform more health behaviors in daily life.


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  • The impact of high school students’ health literacy on health promotion behaviors: Focusing on the mediating effect of health empowerment
    Bo-Yun Hub, Mi Ran Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2024; 30(4): 319.     CrossRef
  • Association Between Health Literacy and Health Promoting Behavior (Eating Habits, Physical Activity, and Stress) of University Students
    Yoon-Sun Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2022; 27(2): 94.     CrossRef
  • Okul Çağı Döneminde Sağlık Okuryazarlığı ve Okul Sağlığı Hemşiresinin Rolü
    Ayşegül Akca, Sultan Ayaz-alkaya
    Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi.2021; 8(3): 328.     CrossRef
  • Health Literacy and Related Factors Depending on Socioeconomic Status
    Yoon Jin Oh, Ki Hyun Park
    Korean Journal of Family Practice.2021; 11(4): 280.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Health Behaviors in Late School-aged Children from Multicultural Families
    Sangmi Lee
    Child Health Nursing Research.2020; 26(1): 23.     CrossRef
  • Health Literacy and Health Promotion Behaviors of Adolescents in Turkey
    Fatma Ozlem Ozturk, Sultan Ayaz-Alkaya
    Journal of Pediatric Nursing.2020; 54: e31.     CrossRef
  • Poor Performance of Children Age 7 to 13 Years on the Newest Vital Sign
    Carol J. Howe, Christine Van Scoyoc, Gina K. Alexander, Jada L. Stevenson
    HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice.2018;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Oral health literacy of upper grade elementary school children
    Jinsil Hong, Young-Sam Kim, Kee-Wan Chang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.2018; 42(4): 229.     CrossRef
  • Development of oral health literacy assessment tool for fifth and sixth grade elementary school students
    Jinsil Hong, Yuna Shin, Kee-Wan Chang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health.2017; 41(3): 214.     CrossRef
  • Health Literacy and Its Related Factors in North Korean Refugees
    Youn Jung Son, Hyun Joon Kim, Hye Jin Jeong, In Young Hwang, Moo Young Kim, Soo Hyoung Lee, Ki Hyun Park, Kee Ho Park, Chae Bong Kim, Hyang Im, Ji Young Lee
    Korean Journal of Health Promotion.2017; 17(2): 71.     CrossRef
  • Health Literacy in Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease
    Elizabeth L. Perry, Patricia A. Carter, Heather A. Becker, Alexandra A. Garcia, Michael Mackert, Karen E. Johnson
    Journal of Pediatric Nursing.2017; 36: 191.     CrossRef
  • Health Literacy and Health Promoting Behaviors in adolescents
    Ji Young Kim, Min Hyun Suk
    Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing.2016; 30(3): 570.     CrossRef
Differences in the Characteristics of Sexual Abuse Victimization between Low- and High-Grade Elementary School Children and Correlations among the Characteristics
Young Ran Cho, Ji Eun Kim, Kyung Min Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2015;26(2):119-127.   Published online June 30, 2015
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This study is attempted to figure out the characteristics of sexual abuse victimization in low- and high-grade elementary school children and furthermore to help develop appropriate preventive educational programs against sexual abuse by grade.
Data were collected from 156 sexual abuse victims who were elementary school children and visited the Child Sexual Abuse Response Center in D City during the period from 2010 to 2012. Differences in general and victimization-related characteristics between low and high graders and the correlations among the characteristics were analyzed.
The results showed statistically significant difference between low and high graders in two variables: offender-victim relationship, and the type of sexual abuse. Offender-victim relationship was in a significant correlation with the duration of victimization (r=.576, p<.001), frequency of abuse (r=.546, p<.001), location (r=-.479, p<.001), and time (r=.435, p<.001). The type of sexual abuse was in a significant correlation with frequency (r=.175, p=.029) and time (r=.261, p=.001).
Appropriate educational programs should be developed for preventing sexual assaults in consideration of difference in victimization-related characteristics between low and high graders. In addition, such programs should be applied fittingly to the learners'grade, gender, and cognitive level.


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  • An Integrative Literature Review on Sexual Abuse Prevention Education Programs for Elementary School Students in South Korea
    Hyewon Shin, Jung Min Lee, Kyung-Ah Kang, Shin-Jeong Kim
    Child Health Nursing Research.2019; 25(4): 435.     CrossRef
  • Development of a Sexual Abuse Prevention Education Program for Elementary School Students Using a Hybrid Application
    Shin-Jeong Kim, So-Ra Kang, Jung Min Lee
    Child Health Nursing Research.2018; 24(1): 109.     CrossRef
  • Development and Effects of a Children's Sex Education Program for the Parents of Lower Elementary Grade Students
    Eun Mi Lee, Hyunlye Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2017; 47(2): 222.     CrossRef
  • Sexual Abuse Prevention Mobile Application (SAP_MobAPP) for Primary School Children in Korea
    Kyoung Ja Moon, Kyung Min Park, Yunsick Sung
    Journal of Child Sexual Abuse.2017; 26(5): 573.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Needs About Sexual Abuse Prevention Education Between Elementary School Students and Teachers
    Shin-Jeong Kim, Kyung-Ah Kang, Haeryun Cho, Hae Young Min
    Child Health Nursing Research.2016; 22(3): 215.     CrossRef
Comparative Study on Health Promoting Behavior in Working and Non-working Mothers with Infants and Toddlers
Hee Chong Baek
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2014;25(4):282-290.   Published online December 31, 2014
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The purpose of this study was to compare health promoting behavior between working and non-working mothers with infants and toddlers, and to investigate factors affecting the mothers'health promoting behavior.
This descriptive study was conducted through conveniently sampled 403 women who visited the child health clinics at two public health centers. The questionnaire included the Health Promoting Life Style Profile (HPLP) and a visual analogue scale for subjective health status. ANCOVA, one-way ANOVA, correlation analysis, and stepwise multiple regression were conducted using SPSS ver. 21.
Working mothers' average HPLP score (2.30+/-0.37) was higher than non-working mother's (2.15+/-0.37). The score of the physical activity subscale was lowest among the subscales and there was a difference between the two groups. Subjective mental health status was the only predictor of working mothers'health promoting behavior, and it explained 23.2% of variance in health promoting behavior. Subjective mental health status, education, and age were the predictors of non-working mothers' health promoting behavior and they explained 27.2% of variance in health promoting behavior.
According to the findings, both working and non-working mothers' health promoting behaviors were low. To promote mothers' health, it is necessary to develop diverse community health promotion programs to support mothers.


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  • The Effects of the Infant Health Promotion Program for Mothers with Their Firstborn Infants
    Chae-Min Yoon, Mi-Ae You
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2023; 53(6): 666.     CrossRef
  • Mediating and Moderating Effects of Family Cohesion between Positive Psychological Capital and Health Behavior among Early Childhood Parents in Dual Working Families: A Focus on the COVID-19 Pandemic
    In Young Cho, Sun-Hee Moon, Ji Yeong Yun
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(9): 4781.     CrossRef
  • Factors Affecting Unmet Healthcare Needs of Working Married Immigrant Women in South Korea
    Jinseon Yi, Insook Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2018; 29(1): 41.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Korean Medicine Health Promotion program for Children-Focus on Education and Prevention Programs-
    Angela Dongmin Sung, Hyun-Kyung Sung, Haemo Park, Sundong Lee
    Journal of Korean Medicine.2017; 38(4): 90.     CrossRef
Influence of Parents' Rearing Attitudes Perceived by Bullied Children on Bullying: Ego-Resilience Mediation
Yeon Hee Choi, Na Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(2):214-224.   Published online June 30, 2013
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This study was conducted to examine effects of parents' rearing attitudes perceived by bullied children. The focus in this study was on mediating effects of ego-resilience.
Data were collected from 202 bullied elementary school students in grade years 5 and 6. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and structural analysis with the SPSS/WIN 19.0 program and Amos 19.0.
First, significant positive relations between parents' rearing attitudes and ego-resilience, significant negative relations between ego-resilience and bullying, and between parents' rearing attitude and bullying were found. Second, the effects of ego-resilience as a mediator between perceived parents' rearing attitudes and bullying were significant statistically.
The findings suggest that educational programs for parents are needed to improve parents' perception of the importance of their rearing attitudes toward bullying and nursing intervention programs for bullied children should be developed to increase their ego-resilience.
Influence of Personal Characteristics, Childhood abuse and Stressful Experience on Suicidal Ideation in Middle School Students
Seog Hee Lee, Kyung Hee Kim, Ji Su Kim, Ki Sook Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(4):386-394.   Published online December 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing suicidal ideation in middle school students.
Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) results, personal characteristics, child abuse experiences, and stress were obtained from a sample of 657 middle school students from 3 conveniently selected schools in S city.
Suicidal ideation of participants was positively correlated with child abuse experience, stress, psychosomatic symptoms, antisocial personality and depressive tendencies, whereas sociability and self-esteem were negatively correlated with suicidal ideation. Significant factors influencing suicidal ideation included an antisocial personality tendency, stress related to the family environment, mental abuse, gender (female), depressive trend, running away from home, sociability, and stress related to academic performance. These factors explained 39.9% of the variance.
These results suggest that earlier screening and intervention programs for depression and stress in middle school students will be helpful in reducing suicidal ideation. Further studies are needed in which other strategies that could prevent suicidal ideation in middle school students are examined.


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  • Trends in Research on Adolescent Suicide Interventions
    Hun Ha Cho, Jung Mi Kang, Won Soon Kim
    Child Health Nursing Research.2018; 24(4): 393.     CrossRef
  • Associated Factors of Suicidal Ideation in Community Residents with Suicidal Attempt Experiences
    Mi-Young Kim, Seong-Sook Jun, Kyung Hee Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2013; 24(2): 135.     CrossRef
Factors Affecting Alcohol Drinking of Sixth-grade Children in South Korea
Yeon Ran Hong, Eun Young Do
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2012;23(1):63-70.   Published online March 31, 2012
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The purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing 6th graders' alcohol drinking.
Data were collected by questionnaires from 524 6th-graders in G City. The data were analyzed using SAS 9.1.3 programme.
Of the children, 63.7% had no education about drinking, implying that drinking prevention education is not done properly in elementary schools. In addition, 70.6% of the children experienced drinking. Among those who had drinking experience, 24.9% experienced the first drinking before entrance into elementary school and this was the highest percentage. Logistic regression analysis showed that the predictors are religion, family type, mother's drinking frequency, and alcohol attitude.
The results of this study suggest that complementing home environment and parenting education would be effective for reducing children's drinking. Also, it is recommended that drinking prevention programs for children should be developed in consideration of various factors affecting children's drinking including the factors identified in the present study, and the effectiveness of those programs should be assessed.


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  • Development of a Scale for Alcohol Drinking Prevention Behavior in Early Elementary School Based on Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior
    Younkyoung Kim, Chong Mi Lee, Seo Young Kang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2020; 50(2): 210.     CrossRef
  • Structural Equation Model for the Analysis of Alcohol-related Problem of Alcohol Use Disorders
    Hee Jung Son, Won Kee Lee, Young Shin Park, Hae Sook Hong
    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2017; 42(2): 192.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Alcohol Use and Drinking Problems Among College Students
    Mi Ra Lee
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2012; 13(10): 4619.     CrossRef
The Effects of Self-efficacy and Social Support on Depression in Elementary School Children
Mi Suk Jeon, Hyeon Ok Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2011;22(3):272-280.   Published online September 30, 2011
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-efficacy, social support, and depression in elementary school children.
The participants of this study were 619 students from seven elementary schools located in Jollabuk-do Province, Korea. The methods included data analysis, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson's correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression using SPSS/WIN version 15.0.
The mean scores of self-efficacy, social support, and depression were 2.9+/-0.58, 3.2+/-0.44 and 14.0+/-7.32, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between self-efficacy and social support (r=.517, p<.001). Significant negative correlations were observed between self-efficacy and depression (r=-.557, p<.001) and between social support and depression (r=-.571, p<.001). The variables of depression in elementary school children were self-efficacy and social support, which explained 42.7% of the cases.
The findings from this study suggest that current intervention programs are not sufficient to curb depression in elementary school children and therefore it is needed to develop nursing intervention programs to promote self-efficacy and social support.


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    Young Mi Park, Jung Yee Kim, En Joo Jo, Ji Hyun Lee, Kyung Mi Woo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2017; 28(1): 34.     CrossRef
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    Soyoun Kim, JongSerl Chun
    Korean Journal of Child Studies.2015; 36(4): 193.     CrossRef

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