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Smartphone dependency latent profile classification and association with emotional and behavioral difficulties among high school students in Korea
Eunjoo Kim, Min Kyung Song
Res Community Public Health Nurs. 2024;35(1):84-98.   Published online March 29, 2024
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The pervasive integration of smartphones into adolescents’ daily lives has resulted in a concerning upsurge in smartphone dependency among high school students. Due to the diverse types and severity levels of smartphone dependency, there is a critical need for research to explore its heterogeneity. This study aimed to identify latent profile of smartphone dependency in high school students based on the four subdomains of smartphone dependency: disturbance of adaptive functions, virtual life orientation, withdrawal, and tolerance. In addition, we explored how emotional and behavioral difficulties differ according to the profiles.
We used data from 2,195 Korean high school students from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2018. Latent profile analysis (LPA) was performed to identify smartphone dependency latent profile. Statistical analysis including chi-square test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and ranked Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) confirmed differences in smartphone use characteristics and emotional-behavioral difficulties according to the classified latent profile.
LPA identified four distinct latent profiles of smartphone dependency among high school students; 1) Underdependent type, 2) Moderate type, 3) Habitual user type, and 4) Virtual space dependent type. The results of ranked ANCOVA, controlling for gender, geographical location, economic status, parental smartphone dependency, and relational variables, revealed that habitual user type exhibited significantly higher rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, social withdrawal, and depressive symptoms compared to other types.
The identification of these profiles provides a foundation for developing tailored intervention programs for adolescents with different levels and patterns of smartphone dependency.
An Exploratory Study on How and Why Young and Middle-aged Adults Disclose Depressive Feelings to Others: Focusing on the Influence of Perception of Social Norms
Soon Tae An, Han Na Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2021;32(1):12-23.   Published online March 31, 2021
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This study explored how and why young and middle-aged adults disclose depressive feelings to others. In particular, we investigated the role of social norms to see whether using mobile instant messaging (MIM) could lower the perceived barriers of emotional disclosure. Furthermore, the motivations of emotional disclosure via MIM were compared between young and middle-aged adults.
A total of 255 Koreans (128 middle-aged people, 127 young adults) participated in an online survey. Pearson’s correlation coefficients, paired t-tests, SPSS PROCESS macro, and exploratory factor analysis were used to examine the relationships among the key variables.
The perceived social norms were found to be a significant deterrent in disclosing depressive feelings to others. However, there was a significant interaction effect between generations and perceived social norms. Although young adults with low social norm awareness were more likely to disclose depressive feelings via MIM, emotional disclosure among middle-aged adults increased with higher levels of perceived social norms. Also, different motivations were observed.
The results confirmed the significant effect of social norms as well as generational differences when using MIM as a channel of emotional disclosure.


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  • Artificial-Intelligence-Based Mood Regulation: Digital Encouragement in the Social Media Era
    Hannah Lee, Soontae An, Yujin Lee
    Journal of Digital Contents Society.2024; 25(6): 1557.     CrossRef
  • The necessity of emotion management for the general public: a comparison of diagnostic changes in two anger-related psychiatric disorders
    Hyun Yoorim, You Myoungsoon
    Archives of Psychiatry and Mental Health.2022; 6(1): 048.     CrossRef
Development and Effectiveness of the Interpersonal Caring Program for Young North Korean Defectors
Jeong Im Choi, Eun Joung Choi
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2020;31(3):310-321.   Published online September 30, 2020
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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the interpersonal caring program for young North Korean defectors which we developed based on Kim's interpersonal caring technique.
This study employs a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study are 36 young North Korean defectors living in three areas. The participants are recruited through alternative schools, churches, and acquaintances. The experimental group consists of 20 participants and the control group consists of 16 participants. Experiments are conducted by four days. Specifically, the experiments are conducted eight times and each takes about 120 minutes. Furthermore, we run the camp for two nights and three days. We test our hypothesis by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Independent t-test, Paired t-test, and Independent t-test.
All the test statistics support our hypotheses such as self-esteem (t=1.87, p=.035), mental health (t=-1.69, p=.049), interpersonal relationships (t=1.93, p=.031), and quality of life (t=1.88, p=.034).
We found that the interpersonal caring program developed in this study is effective in improving North Korean defectors’ self-esteem, mental health, interpersonal relationships, and quality of life.
Mediating Effects of Hope and Therapeutic Relationship in the Relation between General Social Functions and Mental Health Recovery of Community People with Mental Illness
Sun Hwa Shin, Jung Hee Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):69-78.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study tries to test mediating effects of hope and therapeutic relationship in the relation between general social functions and mental health recovery of community people with mental illness.
This study was carried out in a cross-sectional research design. The participants included 217 people with mental illnesses who were enrolled at eight Mental Health Welfare Centers in the Gyeonggi Province. Data were collected from February to May, 2018. The collected data were analyzed using a regression analysis, and SPSS PROCESS macro was used to test the mediating effects.
This study analyzed the direct effects of general social functions on the hope, therapeutic relationship and mental health recovery. And general social functions had indirect effects on their mental health recovery via hope and therapeutic relationship. Both hope and therapeutic relationship had dual mediating effects in the influence of general social functions on mental health recovery.
The role of hope and therapeutic relationship in the mental health recovery of community people with mental illness is important, and it is confirmed that hope is a powerful factor influencing mental health recovery.
Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation among Middle Class Korean: Focusing on Psychosocial Comparison - An Analysis of a Nationwide Survey of the 8th Korea Health Panel Data
Ahra Jo, Bora Kang, Young Ju Seo, Eun Ha Gil, Hee Young Oh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2018;29(1):1-10.   Published online March 31, 2018
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The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence and risk factors of suicidal ideation among middle class Korean.
Cross sectional study was designed for secondary data analysis. From the 8th Korea Health Panel survey (2008~2013), a total of 6,037 data was drawn and analyzed by developmental stage using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, χ² test, and logistic regression analysis.
Across all age groups, high physical-mental stress, frustration, anxiety about the future and low self-perceived health status or social class were found to be the risk factors of suicidal ideation. Peer-compared subjective health status and frustration significantly influenced the adolescents. The young adults' suicidal ideation was mainly influenced by physical and mental stress, frustration and absence of economic activity. For the middle-aged, physical and mental stress, frustration, future anxiety, low peer-compared subjective health status were found to be the major influencing factors. The predominant risk factors for the elderly were frustration and low peer-compared subjective health status.
Making comparisons to others significantly influence suicidal ideation throughout all life cycles. Improvement of mental health and suicide prevention can be enhanced by avoiding negative comparison to others.


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  • Factors affecting suicidal ideation among premenopausal and postmenopausal women
    Go‐Un Kim, Hae Kyoung Son, Mi‐Young Kim
    Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2021; 28(3): 356.     CrossRef
Survey Study of Current Status of and Need for Mental Health Education Enhancing Protective Factors in the Elementary Schools
Ji Hyun Lee, Hyeoun Ae Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2016;27(1):9-20.   Published online March 31, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to survey the current status of mental health education and need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in the elementary schools.
We surveyed 10 school health teachers and 328 fifth- and sixth-grade students using 19- and 20-item questionnaires, respectively.
All of the teachers and 65.2% of the students replied that they were either teaching or being taught mental health in school. Topics covered suicide, depression, school violence, and Internet addiction. All of the teachers and 84.1% of the students expressed the need for mental health education enhancing protective factors in school. Both groups replied that two sessions are enough. The teachers preferred role play and discussion as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and computer as instructional media. The students preferred lecture and role play as teaching methods, and audiovisual materials and smartphone as instructional media. Both groups ranked self-esteem, parent-child relationship, peer relationship, and emotional regulation as the most important topics to be covered in the education.
There is a high demand for mental health education enhancing protective factors. Therefore, it is recommended to develop educational programs enhancing protective factors by enabling formal and informal learning using smartphone.


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  • School Nurses’ Perception of Job Performance Difficulties, Job Stress, Job Identity and Job Satisfaction
    Eun Kyo Cho, Hyun Jung Moon
    Research in Community and Public Health Nursing.2023; 34: 43.     CrossRef
  • The educational needs of alcohol media literacy and related factors among high school students in the Republic of Korea
    Sunhee Park, Junghee Kim, Jiwon Baik
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2023; 40(1): 61.     CrossRef
  • The Relations among Attitude, Competency, and Appropriateness of Work on Student Suicide in Health Teachers
    Jae Soon Yoo, Dallong Han, Chul-Gyu Kim
    The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education.2016; 22(4): 473.     CrossRef
Effects of Violence Victimization on Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: Analysis of Mediating Effects of Self-concept
Kyung Mi Sung, Han Ju Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2013;24(4):407-418.   Published online December 31, 2013
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The purpose of this study is to clarify mediating effects of self-concept on mental health of children and adolescents who fell victim to violence.
A survey was conducted on 4th, 5th, and 6th graders from 2 elementary schools and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year students from 3 middle schools (n=2,391). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and AMOS.
The mean scores of mental health and self-concept in the subjects were 4.5 and 184.9 respectively. The rate of poor mental health in students who had fallen victim to violence was more than twice as high as that in students who had never experienced it. The self-concept of students who experienced violence had a tendency to decline. Violence experience and self-concept accounted for 47.7%(43.0% for boys and 53.4% for girls) of the changes in mental health. The indirect mediating effects of self-concept were significant.
Based on the findings, the following is suggested. Schools should offer a self-concept improvement program for students with a distorted self-concept caused by falling victim to violence. It could help such adolescents have a positive self image and improve their mental health.


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  • Impact of school and domestic violence on suicidal ideation in adolescents by levels of self-esteem
    Soojin Lee, Kyungwon Paek
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2024; 41(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • The Moderating Effect of Help-Seeking on the Relationship between Experience of School Violence and Internalizing Behaviors
    Seon Ok Son, Hyunyong Park
    STRESS.2022; 30(1): 15.     CrossRef
  • Effectiveness of KOICA mental health project for adolescents in Peru using difference in differences analysis
    Jaewon Lee, Bimala Sharma, Hyeyeon Jo, Eun Woo Nam
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2019; 36(3): 51.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Factors influencing Academic and Social self-concept between Multicultural and General children
    Eun Jin Oh, Kyung Mi Sung
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2015; 16(12): 8596.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Program to Enhance Ego-development on General Mental Health, Self-concept, and Depression in Elementary and Middle School Students from Low Income Families
    Kyung Mi Sung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2015; 24(2): 73.     CrossRef
A Study on Characteristic Factors Related to Low Back Pain and Mental Health of Pregnant Women
Myoung Ja Wang, Sang Won Lim, Sun Hye Jun, Nam Hyun Cha
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(3):381-389.   Published online September 30, 2009
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The study was to explore the level of low back pain and characteristic factors influencing low back pain (LBP) and mental health during pregnancy.
The subjects were a total of 383 healthy pregnant women in S City and K-Do. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson's correlation.
82.5% of the pregnant women answered the existence of LBP and 19.7% of them had high LBP. The preferred method of controlling LBP was 'Just endure' (42.3%). There were significant differences in pregnancy level (p < .05) and discomfort condition related to pregnancy (p < .01) according to low back pain. There were significant differences in pain intensity according to mental health. The correlation between pain level and pregnancy weeks (p < .001) and BMI in previous pregnancy (p < .001) was significant. The correlation between mental health and age was significant (p < .001).
The majority of the pregnant women experienced LBP during pregnancy. However, they were not offered the best method of controlling the pain. Thus, for preventing LBP during pregnancy, we recommend regular exercises and BMI control.
The Levels of Impacts of Events, Depression and Anxiety among Injured Workers
Chong Mi Chang, Nam Hee Choi, Hyun Sook Kang, Sun Hee Park
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2009;20(2):234-242.   Published online June 30, 2009
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The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of accidental events, depression, and anxiety among workers with industrial accidents in South Korea.
The participants were 510 workers with industrial accidents. Data were collected by personal interviews with structured questionnaires for three months from August to October in 2005. For analyses, frequencies and means were utilized.
The participants' average age was 44.9 years, and about 91% of them were male. Also, they had a greater risk of poverty after being injured. The most frequent cause of accidents was fall (32.2%), and the most frequent injured body area was extremities (73.9%). For around a half of the participants, the treatment period was 12 months or shorter. The participants were at great risk of experiencing a negative impact due to events, depression, and anxiety.
It is necessary to develop: (a) strategies for injured workers to be financially stable during recuperation; and (b) supporting systems for them not to suffer and exacerbate mental health problems after being injured.
The Effects of Internet Addiction on Mental Health Among Adolescents
Young Soon Byeon, Hea Shoon Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(3):460-468.   Published online September 30, 2007
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between adolescents' internet addiction and mental health.
The Internet addiction level was measured with K-Scale developed for Korean adolescents by Korea Agency Digital Opportunity & Promotion (2006) and the mental health level was measured with SCL-90-R developed by Derogatis (1977) and adapted for Korean adolescents by Kim, Kim. & Won (1984). Collected data was analyzed by the mean+/-SD, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe and Pearson correlation coefficient (SPSS 12.0).
1. The Internet addiction level appeared to be 'Addiction' in 19%, 'Latency addiction' in 27% and 'Normal' in 54%. 2. The Internet addiction level was different according to sex, use, frequency and using time per day. The mental health level was different according to grade, sex, the father's education, the mother's education, frequency and using time per day. 3. The correlation between Internet addiction and mental health was found significant.
The Internet addiction level was confirmed to have an influence on mental health. We offered basis data for preventing and treating Internet addiction in adolescents.
The School Related Stress and the Need of Mental Health Education among High School Students
Geum Sook Oh
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2007;18(2):320-330.   Published online June 30, 2007
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This study was conducted to investigate the school related stress and the need of mental health education among adolescents.
The subjects were selected by convenient sampling comprising of 1,049 high school students. The instrument of the study was the modified School Stress Scale by Kim (2002) and the Scale of Mental Health Education Need developed by Hyun et al.(2005).
School-related stress and the need of mental health education were higher in female students than male ones. Among the types of stress, stress related to academic activities was highest for all students. The need of stress management was highest, which was followed by the need of self-management. As for the need of mental health education and school-related stress according to general characteristics, the need was significantly different according to the gender, grade, and experience in mental health education, and school-related stress was significantly different according to gender and grade.
This study revealed that there was a correlation between school-related stress and the need of mental health education in high school students. This study also suggested the basic information and framework for planning, developing, and providing the school based mental health promotion education for the high school students.
The Effects of Rehabilitation Excercise Program on Physical Function and Mental Health Status in Patients with Hemiparesis Following Chronic Stroke
Jeong Mo Park, Suk Jeong Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(2):166-175.   Published online June 30, 2006
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No abstract available.
The Relation between Test Anxiety and Mental Health in Adolescents
Ji Yeong No
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2005;16(4):458-466.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between test anxiety and mental health in adolescents.
The subjects were 450 students of two academic high schools in J City, who were selected through convenient sampling. Data were collected through a survey using a structured questionnaire from September 1st to 15th 2005. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 10.0 for Windows through descriptive analysis, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe's test and stepwise multiple regression.
The mean score of test anxiety was 2.40 (range:1.13-3.81) and that of mental health was 2.77 (range:0.64-5.03). A significant negative correlation was observed between test anxiety and mental health (r=-0.28, p=.000). Test anxiety was significantly different according to adolescents' general characters such as gender (t=-1.98, p=.048), grade (F=3.54, p=.030), school life satisfaction (F=10.73, p=.000) and relationship with the teacher (F=11.60, p=.000). Mental health was significantly different according to adolescents' general characters such as religion (t=2.14, p=.032) and school life satisfaction (F=4.13, p=.017). The most powerful predictor of mental health was test anxiety and it, combined with religion, accounted for 9.0% of variance in mental health in adolescents.
Test anxiety and mental health was found to be in a significant negative correlation with each other in adolescents. Therefore, nursing intervention programs for adolescents needs to reduce their test anxiety to improve their mental health.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing