PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to describe and understand elementary school health teachers' role perception in their own perspectives. METHODS Data were collected from three focus groups composed of five participants for each group. Each focus group had an interview for two and a half hours on the average. The main question was "What is your perception on the roles of health teachers in elementary schools?" Qualitative data from transcribed notes and field notes were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. RESULTS Five main roles were identified from the participants. The participants perceived themselves as 'an expert of health education in school and community', 'a health service provider for school members', 'a health guardian for school members', 'the coordinator of healthcare related works in school', and 'the leader of school health'. CONCLUSION The participants have multiple role identities, which are very important for health management of school members. And the roles such as an expert of health education and a leader for school health are recently emphasized. The findings of this study can provide useful information to design orientation programs for newly appointed health teachers and continuing education programs for enhancing role performance of health teachers in elementary schools.
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PURPOSE This study was conducted to develop a teacher-efficacy scale which is adequate for heath education teachers. METHOD A preliminary questionnaire was made based on the hypothetical factors. A total of 364 health education teachers answered to the preliminary test, and the potential factors of teacher-efficacy were checked out by exploratory factor analysis (EFA). In the main test 378 health education teachers answered, the factor structure was drawn by EFA, and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to test and the fitness of the factor model. RESULTS Through the preliminary test, 5 potential factors were found, which were instruction, health-service, administrative task, interpersonal relationship, and community connection. Also, 48 items were reduced to 31 items. Through the main test, from the 34 items were extracted 4 factors with 24 items, And then teacher-efficacy scale was developed, which included the subscales of instruction efficacy, health-service efficacy, task-interpersonal efficacy, and community connection efficacy. CONCLUSION Different from that for other subject teachers, the factor structure for health teachers had 4 factors with 24 items. The scale developed in this study is consistent with health teachers' work areas, and for this reason, has significance as a adequate and valid scale to measure teacher-efficacy of health education teachers.