PURPOSE The purpose of this study is to identify the mediating effects of self-esteem between social comparison orientation and social network service (SNS) addiction in university students. METHODS Descriptive cross-sectional survey design was employed. The data were statistically analyzed by using the descriptive and inferential statistics. Sobel test and Bootstrap method, and Kappa squared mediation effect size measure were used to identify the mediator's significance. A convenience sample of 195 subjects was recruited from two universities in Korea. RESULTS The mean age of the subjects was 22.58±1.81. The subjects showed relatively high levels of SNS addiction with a mean score of 14.33±4.80. The overall model significantly explained 37.0% of variances in the subjects' SNS addiction after controlling gender, age, grade, major, period of SNS using, time spent on SNS per day, and times accessed SNS per day. Of the predictors, time spent on SNS per day, social comparison orientation, and self-esteem were significantly associated with SNS addiction. Self-esteem was the mediator between social comparison orientation and SNS addiction. CONCLUSION When developing strategies for preventing SNS addiction, interventions for reducing time spent on SNS per day, not having upward social comparison orientation, and improving the self-esteem should be considered. These findings might provide a theoretical basis for developing effective strategies for preventing SNS addiction in university students.
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Examining the Impact of Upward Comparison Subdimensions on the Psychological Well-Being of College Students Using Instagram Indeok Song Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies.2023; 67(2): 79. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of social support, self - esteem, hope, and health conservation of the vulnerable elderly people with diabetes. METHODS Participants were 100 vulnerable elderly people with diabetes living in D or K cities. Data collection was done through interviews from February to March, 2016. Social support was measured with the MOS-SSS (Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey), self-esteem with Self-Esteem Scale, hope with the Nowotny Hope Scale, and health conservation with the Sung's Health Conservation Scale. IBM SPSS 20.0 was used to analyze descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, independent t-test, Pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. RESULTS Factors affecting the health conservation of the vulnerable elderly people were social support, hope, education level and subjective health status. These factors explained 64.9% of the health conservation. CONCLUSION It is necessary to construct a comprehensive nursing classification system for elderly people with diabetes in vulnerable class and to develop integrated health conservation program and nursing care as a new social support resource.
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Effectiveness of a Participatory Program for Improving the Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Health of Older Farmers in Rural Korea Ki-Youn Kim, Juhye Jin, Yeon-Ha Kim International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2023; 20(4): 3210. CrossRef
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PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Korean Version of the Nurses' Self-Concept Instrument (NSCI) geriatric hospital nurses in Korea. METHODS Bilingual nursing professionals performed translation and back-translation. Reliability and validity of the content and construction of the instrument were confirmed. Internal consistency reliability was determined. Construction and concurrent validity were verified using factor analysis and correlation coefficients. RESULTS The total 14 items for the Korean version of the Nurses' Self-Concept Instrument (NSCI) were retained through item analysis. In explanatory factor analysis, four subcategories were proposed with their names of each factor: ‘Leadership’, ‘Staff relation’, ‘Knowledge’, and ‘Care’. The four factors accounted for 78.81% of the variances. The Cronbach's α regarding internal consistency were .77~.91 for the NSCI subscales. Correlation among four subcategories ranged .62~.84. CONCLUSION The findings show that the Korean version of the Nurses' Self-Concept Instrument is reliable and valid for measuring professional Self-Concept of geriatric hospital nurses in Korea.
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The psychometric properties of nursing image measurement instruments: A systematic review Lu Zhou, Khunanan Sukpasjaroen, EnLi Cai, Kristiya Moonsri, Prakobkiat Imsiri, Thitinan Chankoson Nursing Open.2023; 10(8): 5056. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to examine the sexual maturation, body image, and self-esteem of Korean elementary school girls with symptoms of precocious puberty compared to those with no symptoms of precocious puberty. METHODS The subjects were 309 girls of lower grades in elementary school. Tanner's Sexual Maturation Rating (SMR), Self Image Scale, and Self-esteem Scale were utilized to determine the presence of symptoms of precocious puberty, body image, and self esteem. Collected data were analyzed by Chi-square test, independent t-test, and one-way ANOVA using the SPSS/WIN 17.0 program. RESULTS The percentage of the girls with breast development was 14.9%. Breast development usually began in the third grade (56.5%). Of the subjects, 0.3% were experiencing menstruation. Breast development was related to grade, age, height, weight, and a cause of worry. There was a significant difference of body image between girls with breast development in the first grade and in the second grade. CONCLUSION An effective intervention that can improve the self-image of children with symptoms of precocious puberty should be developed to prevent and treat physical and mental problems related to sexual maturation.
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Association of Sexual Maturation and Parent-Child Communication on Maturity Fears in Elementary School Girls Hun Ha Cho, So-Hyun Moon Child Health Nursing Research.2016; 22(2): 137. CrossRef
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to investigate the relation between self differentiation and school adjustment among adolescents. METHODS The subjects were 356 adolescents. The following research questions were established. The adolescents' self differentiation level was measured based on Bowen's family system theory modified for Korean adolescents(Je, 1989) and their school adjustment level was measured with developed for Korean adolescents(Park, 1998). Collected data were analyzed by Mean+/-SD, t-test, ANOVA and Scheffe and Pearson correlation coefficient (SPSS 12.0). RESULTS 1. The mean score for the level of self differentiation was 99.99+/-11.58 and school adjustment was 63.52+/-8.80. 2. The self differentiation level was different according to father's education and monthly income. The school adjustment level was different according to grade, sex, father's education and father's occupation. 3. Self differentiation had a significant positive correlation with school adjustment. CONCLUSION The self differentiation level was confirmed to have an influence on school adjustment. We need to develop a program that can enhance adolescents' self differentiation.
PURPOSE This study was carried out to investigate the relationships among suicidal risk, self-esteem, and spiritual well-being of high school students, and to provide basic data for developing suicide prevention programs. METHOD The subjects of this study were 1.176 high school students from six academic high schools and two technical high schools in Daegu City. Data were collected from the 13th to the 25th of September 2004. The research tools were the Suicide Probability Scale developed by Go. Kim and Lee (2000), the Self-Esteem Inventory modified by Choi and Jeon (1993), and the tool of Spiritual Well-Being modified by Yoo (2002). Data were analyzed with SPSS Windows 11.0. RESULT Variables that showed statistically significant difference in suicidal risk were school type, whether to have the best friends, the number of close friends, current relationship with close friends, experience of school violation, respect for the teacher, grades, financial condition, parents marital status, father's education level, mother's education level, home atmosphere, conversation with father, conversation with mother, smoking, drinking, experience of counseling for problems, whether to have physical illnesses, experience of thinking about suicide, experience of attempting suicide. Suicidal risk was in a significantly negative correlation with self-esteem and spiritual well-being. CONCLUSION The researcher identified many different variables that affect the suicidal risk of high school students. Self-esteem and spiritual well-being were found to be in a significant correlation with suicidal risk. Therefore, the results of this study can be used as basic data and information for suicidal prevention programs.