- The objective of this study was to investigate the relations among psycho-social factors regarding child neglect and abuse using the data from the 2013 Korea National Survey on Children and Youth.
- Data from a sample of 1,062 primary caregivers with young children were analyzed with the SPSS and AMOS programs to examine the interrelationships among depression, parenting stress, marital satisfaction, parent-child attachment, and child neglect or maltreatment.
- Depression, stress, and attachment had a direct influence on child neglect and abuse. Satisfaction with marital relationship, parenting stress, and attachment were found to play mediating roles in accounting for child neglect and abuse, explaining 12% of the variance. The results of multi group path analysis showed that some coefficients were different according to the age group of the children. For caregivers with infants, parenting stress did not predict either attachment or child maltreatment, whereas for caregivers with toddlers, depression did not have a significant effect on attachment.
- In order to prevent child maltreatment, efforts should be made to develop community-based psycho-social support interventions focused on marital relationship as well as parent-child dyads and to provide practical child care support.
Key Words: Child abuse; Depression; Caregivers; Parent-child relations; Marital relationship
Figure 1.Hypothetical path model diagram.
Figure 2.A path diagram of the study. Model fit statistics: x2 (2)=3.84, p=.15, GFI=.99, CFI=.99, NFI=.99, TLI=.98, RMSEA=.02 with 90% CI[.00,.07]. Solid lines represent statistically significant standardized path coefficients (*p<.01, **p<.001); Error variances appear in small circles.
Figure 3.Path models according to age group of children. Solid lines represent statistically significant standardized path coefficients (*p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001); dashed lines represent non-significant standardized path coefficients.
Table 1.Correlation Coefficient, Mean and Standard Deviation of Study Variables (N=1,062)
Variables |
Marital satisfaction
Parent-child attachment
Parenting stress
Child neglect & abuse
M±SD |
Kurtosis |
Skewness |
r (p) |
r (p) |
r (p) |
r (p) |
Depression |
−.27 |
−.17 |
.35 |
.28 |
16.59±4.83 |
2.27 |
1.30 |
(<.001) |
(<.001) |
(<.001) |
(<.001) |
Marital satisfaction |
.16 |
−.13 |
−.13 |
3.10±0.47 |
3.15 |
−0.08 |
(<.001) |
(<.001) |
(<.001) |
Parent-child attachment |
−.14 |
−.21 |
14.39±1.79 |
−0.12 |
−0.81 |
(<.001) |
(<.001) |
Parenting stress |
.19 |
12.60±4.43 |
−0.81 |
−0.12 |
(<.001) |
Child neglect & abuse |
13.78±2.09 |
3.48 |
13.62 |
(2.99†) |
(9.12†) |
Table 2.Standardized Estimates of the Path Model (N=1,062)
Endogenous variable |
Exogenous variable |
Direct effect
Indirect effect
Total effect
β (p) |
β (p) |
β (p) |
% |
Marital satisfaction |
Depression |
−.27 (.002) |
− |
−.27 (.002) |
7.4 |
Parenting stress |
Depression |
.35 (.015) |
− |
.35 (.015) |
12.4 |
Attachment |
Depression |
−.10 (.012) |
−.06 (.012) |
−.16 (.007) |
4.8 |
Marital satisfaction |
.12 (.014) |
− |
.12 (.014) |
Parenting stress |
−.09 (.009) |
− |
−.09 (.009) |
Child neglect & abuse |
Depression |
.23 (.006) |
.06 (.006) |
.29 (.005) |
12.0 |
Marital satisfaction |
− |
−.02 (.013) |
−.02 (.013) |
Parenting stress |
.10 (.006) |
.02 (.007) |
.12 (.007) |
Attachment |
−.17 (.020) |
− |
−.17 (.020) |
Table 3.Path Estimates of the Research Variables according to Age Group of Children
Endogenous variable |
Exogenous variable |
Infants (n=489)
Toddlers (n=573)
B |
β |
SE |
CR |
B |
β |
SE |
CR |
Marital satisfaction |
Depression |
−.03 |
−.30 |
.00 |
−6.91*** |
−.02 |
−.25 |
.00 |
−6.13*** |
Parenting stress |
Depression |
.33 |
.36 |
.03 |
8.43*** |
.32 |
.35 |
.03 |
8.92*** |
Attachment |
Depression |
−.05 |
−.12 |
.02 |
−2.42* |
−.03 |
−.08 |
.02 |
−1.87 |
Marital satisfaction |
.46 |
.12 |
.17 |
2.61** |
.45 |
.12 |
.16 |
2.79** |
Parenting stress |
−.02 |
−.04 |
.02 |
−0.77 |
−.05 |
−.14 |
.01 |
−3.13** |
Child neglect & abuse |
Depression |
.00 |
.19 |
.00 |
4.12*** |
.01 |
.24 |
.00 |
5.91*** |
Parenting stress |
.00 |
.03 |
.00 |
0.62 |
.01 |
.15 |
.00 |
3.68*** |
Attachment |
−.01 |
−.15 |
.00 |
−3.32*** |
−.01 |
−.17 |
.00 |
−4.33*** |
Model fit: x2=5.24, df=4, p=.264, GFI=.99, CFI=.99, NFI=.99, TLI=.98, RMSEA=.01 |
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