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Original Article
The Effect of Social Capital on Health-related Quality of Life of Residents in Integrated Changwon City: Using the Data of the 2013 Community Health Survey
Bo-hyun Park, Younjae Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(4):342-354.
Published online: December 31, 2015

1Department of Nursing, Changwon National University, Changwon, Korea.

2Division of Nursing, Hallym University, Chuncheon, Korea.

• Received: July 20, 2015   • Revised: September 21, 2015   • Accepted: December 15, 2015

© 2015 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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  • Purpose
    The purpose of this study was to examine social capital and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of residents who were living in the three regions(Masan, Jinhae, and Changwon) of integrated Changwon and to analyze the effect of social capital on HRQoL.
  • Methods
    This study used the Masan, Jinhae and Changwon data of the 2013 Community Health Survey. The social capital questionnaire consisted of three subdomains (trust, participation, and network). HRQoL was measured with the Korean-version EQ-5D. The effect of social capital on HRQoL was analyzed using multiple regression with controlling for general characteristics and health behavior.
  • Results
    The trust level of Masan citizen was highest among the three regions. Jinhae citizen showed the highest level of participation and network out of the three regions. Trust was not a significant influencing factor in any of the three models. Participation was a significant influencing factor in all of the three models. Network was a significant influencing factor only in the Masan model.
  • Conclusion
    Participation was the most important factor for health among the three social capital subdomains. Strategies for encouraging social participation are needed for health promotion for the residents of integrated Changwon.
Table 1

General Characteristics, Health Behavior of Residents in Integrated Changwon

Variables Characteristics Categories Masan Jinhae Changwon x2 (p)
n (%) n (%) n (%)
General characteristics Age (year) <30 126 (13.65) 109 (12.03) 163 (17.60) 77.67 (<.001)
30~39 160 (17.33) 211 (23.29) 131 (14.15)
40~49 187 (20.26) 187 (20.64) 238 (25.70)
50~59 201 (21.78) 190 (20.97) 251 (27.11)
≥60 249 (26.98) 209 (23.07) 143 (15.44)
M±SD 49.1±16.62a 47.8±15.83b 45.9±14.90c 9.41 (<.001)
a, b>c
Gender Male 410 (44.42) 417 (46.03) 422 (45.58) 0.51 (.776)
Female 513 (55.58) 489 (53.97) 504 (54.43)
Resident area Dong 716 (77.60) 906 (100.00) 868 (93.74) 98.36 (<.001)
Eup, Myeon 207 (22.40) 58 (6.26)
Education ≤Middle school 258 (27.95) 194 (21.41) 159 (17.17) 46.46 (<.001)
High school 318 (34.45) 343 (37.86) 360 (38.88)
College (2~3 yr) 120 (13.00) 169 (18.65) 137 (14.79)
University (4 yr) 227 (24.59) 200 (22.08) 270 (29.16)
Household income per a family member (10,000 won) 1st quintile 227 (24.59) 202 (22.30) 168 (18.18) 17.20 (.028)
2nd quintile 167 (18.09) 166 (18.32) 182 (19.70)
3rd quintile 176 (19.07) 193 (21.30) 180 (19.48)
4th quintile 168 (18.20) 184 (20.31) 210 (22.73)
5th quintile 185 (20.04) 161 (17.77) 184 (19.91)
M±SD 1,361.50±823.91 1,420.57±992.39 1,450.04±829.91 2.40 (.091)
Resident duration More than 20 yr 774 (83.86) 600 (66.30) 679 (73.41) 75.30 (<.001)
Less than 20 yr 149 (16.14) 305 (33.70) 246 (26.59)
Employment Employer 124 (13.43) 130 (14.35) 123 (13.28) 20.43 (<.001)
Employee 382 (41.39) 451 (49.78) 455 (49.14)
No job or student 417 (45.18) 325 (35.87) 348 (37.58)
Health problem presence 107 (11.59) 108 (11.92) 84 (9.07) 4.63 (.099)
none 816 (88.41) 798 (88.08) 842 (90.93)
Health behavior Smoking Yes 204 (22.10) 196 (21.63) 163 (17.60) 6.95 (.031)
No 719 (77.90) 710 (78.37) 763 (82.40)
High risk drinking Yes 274 (29.70) 315 (34.77) 281 (30.35) 6.45 (.040)
No 649 (70.30) 591 (65.23) 645 (69.65)
Moderate intensity exercise Yes 196 (21.24) 223 (24.61) 242 (26.13) 6.37 (.041)
No 727 (78.76) 683 (75.39) 684 (73.87)
Total 923 (100.00) 906 (100.00) 926 (100.00)

Excluding Jinhae from χ2 test.

Table 2

Social Capital according to General Characteristics and Health Behavior of Residents in Integrated Changwon

Variables Characteristics Categories Trust
Masan Jinhae Changwon
n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p)
General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 76 (60.32) 32.56
42 (38.53) 55.53
84 (51.53) 49.12
30~39 101 (63.13) 97 (45.97) 75 (57.25)
40~49 132 (70.59) 88 (47.06) 156 (65.55)
50~59 146 (72.64) 124 (65.26) 183 (72.91)
≥60 209 (83.94) 150 (71.77) 122 (85.31)
Gender Male 299 (72.92) 0.36
231 (55.39) 0.01
282 (66.82) 0.01
Female 365 (71.15) 270 (55.21) 338 (67.06)
Resident area Dong 533 (74.44) 9.901
501 (55.30) - 579 (66.71) .39
Eup, Myeon 131 (63.29) 41 (70.69)
Education ≤Middle school 204 (79.07) 16.97
137 (70.62) 25.44
129 (81.13) 33.78
High school 217 (68.24) 183 (53.35) 250 (69.44)
College (2~3 yr) 73 (60.83) 79 (46.75) 69 (50.36)
University (4 yr) 170 (74.89) 102 (51.00) 172 (63.70)
House hold income per a family member 1th quintile 170 (74.89) 4.26
111 (54.95) 4.01
127 (75.60) 7.83
2nd quintile 114 (68.26) 98 (59.04) 121 (66.48)
3rd quintile 120 (68.18) 104 (53.89) 112 (62.22)
4th quintile 121 (72.02) 108 (58.70) 137 (65.24)
5th quintile 139 (75.14) 80 (49.69) 122 (66.30)
Resident duration More than 20 yr 570 (73.64) 6.90
365 (60.83) 22.46
479 (70.54) 14.30
Less than 20 yr 94 (63.09) 135 (44.26) 141 (57.32)
Employment status Employer 89 (71.77) 6.29
83 (63.85) 4.49
82 (66.67) 9.03
Employee 259 (67.80) 243 (53.88) 285 (62.64)
No job or student 316 (75.78) 175 (53.85) 253 (72.70)
Health problem Presence 72 (67.29) 1.30
65 (60.19) 1.19
53 (63.10) 0.62
None 592 (72.55) 436 (54.64) 567 (67.34)
Health behavior Smoking Yes 143 (70.10) 0.44
90 (45.92) 8.90
103 (63.19) 1.27
No 521 (72.46) 411 (57.89) 517 (67.76)
High risk drinking Yes 173 (63.14) 14.95
153 (48.57) 8.84
173 (61.57) 5.30
No 491 (75.65) 348 (58.88) 447 (69.30)
Moderate intensity exercise Yes 137 (69.90) 0.51
119 (53.36) 0.45
167 (69.01) 0.62
No 527 (72.49) 382 (55.93) 453 (66.23)
Total 664 (71.94) 501 (55.30) 620 (66.95)
Variables Characteristics Categories Social participation
Masan Jinhae Changwon
n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p)
General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 76 (60.32) 36.27
68 (62.39) 50.92
86 (52.76) 53.49
30~39 119 (74.38) 152 (72.04) 94 (71.76)
40~49 158 (84.49) 163 (87.17) 191 (80.25)
50~59 170 (84.58) 174 (91.58) 208 (82.87)
≥60 176 (70.68) 165 (78.95) 105 (73.43)
Gender Male 326 (79.51) 5.74
340 (81.53) 1.62
313 (74.17) 0.04
Female 373 (72.71) 382 (78.12) 371 (73.61)
Resident area Dong 546 (76.26) 0.48
722 (79.69) - 642 (73.96) 0.07
Eup, Myeon 153 (73.91) 42 (72.41)
Education ≤Middle school 177 (68.60) 16.83
145 (74.74) 5.58
109 (68.55) 8.45
High school 256 (80.50) 280 (81.63) 284 (78.89)
College (2~3 yr) 83 (69.17) 131 (77.51) 100 (72.99)
University (4 yr) 183 (80.62) 166 (83.00) 191 (70.74)
House hold income per a family member 1th quintile 155 (68.28) 5.27
144 (71.29) 23.47
118 (70.24) 11.84
2nd quintile 126 (75.45) 122 (73.49) 128 (70.33)
3rd quintile 133 (75.57) 157 (81.35) 133 (73.89)
4th quintile 134 (79.76) 159 (86.41) 157 (74.76)
5th quintile 151 (81.62) 140 (86.96) 146 (79.35)
Resident duration More than 20 yr 600 (77.52) 8.34
485 (80.83) 1.23
505 (74.37) .38
Less than 20 yr 99 (66.44) 237 (77.70) 178 (72.36)
Employment status Employer 111 (89.52) 29.10
110 (84.62) 4.54
98 (79.67) 7.60
Employee 304 (79.58) 364 (80.71) 346 (76.04)
No job or student 284 (68.11) 248 (76.31) 240 (68.97)
Health problem Presence 67 (62.62) 11.33
77 (71.30) 5.34
66 (78.57) 1.06
Health behavior Smoking Yes 632 (77.45) 645
618 (73.40) 8.90
103 (63.19) 1.27
No 517 (67.76)
High risk drinking Yes 151 (74.02) 0.42
162 (82.65) 1.36
122 (74.85) 0.10
No 548 (76.22) 560 (78.87) 562 (73.66)
Moderate intensity exercise Yes 217 (79.20) 2.55
251 (79.68) 0.01
210 (74.73) 0.16
No 482 (74.27) 471 (79.70) 474 (73.49)
Total 162 (82.65) 6.49
190 (85.20) 5.55
182 (75.21) 0.31
537 (73.87) 532 (77.89) 502 (73.39)
Variables Characteristics Categories Network
Masan Jinhae Changwon
n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p)
General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 106 (84.13) 21.74
97 (88.99) 40.13
136 (83.44) 18.70
30~39 104 (65.00) 143 (67.77) 88 (67.18)
40~49 130 (69.52) 125 (66.84) 159 (66.81)
50~59 145 (72.14) 151 (79.47) 164 (65.34)
≥60 201 (80.72) 180 (86.12) 95 (66.43)
Gender Male 286 (69.76) 8.06
304 (72.90) 6.67
271 (64.22) 9.53
Female 400 (77.97) 392 (80.16) 371 (73.61)
Resident area Dong 534 (74.58) 0.11
696 (76.82) - 602 (69.35) 0.01
Eup, Myeon 152 (73.43) 40 (68.97)
Education ≤Middle school 212 (82.17) 5.28
166 (85.57) 6.79
107 (67.30) 15.35
High school 231 (72.64) 247 (72.01) 236 (65.56)
College (2~3 yr) 84 (70.00) 131 (77.51) 113 (82.48)
University (4 yr) 159 (70.04) 152 (76.00) 186 (68.89)
House hold income per a family member 1th quintile 176 (77.53) 5.68
154 (76.24) 0.27
104 (61.90) 16.14
2nd quintile 122 (73.05) 130 (78.31) 122 (67.03)
3rd quintile 130 (73.86) 148 (76.68) 120 (66.67)
4th quintile 131 (77.98) 141 (76.63) 147 (70.00)
5th quintile 127 (68.65) 123 (76.40) 148 (80.43)
Resident duration More than 20 yr 576 (74.42) 0.02
487 (81.17) 19.09
464 (68.34) 1.11
Less than 20 yr 110 (73.83) 208 (68.20) 177 (71.95)
Employment status Employer 99 (79.84) 30.29
107 (82.31) 13.66
95 (77.24) 7.03
Employee 248 (64.92) 323 (71.62) 299 (65.71)
No job or student 339 (81.29) 266 (81.85) 248 (71.26)
Health problem Presence 80 (74.77) 0.01
81 (75.00) 0.23
48 (57.14) 6.45
Health behavior Smoking Yes 606 (74.26) 615 (77.07) 594 (70.55) 8.90
103 (63.19) 1.27
No 517 (67.76)
High risk drinking Yes 152 (74.51) 0.01
145 (73.98) 1.13
110 (67.48) 0.32
No 534 (74.27) 551 (77.61) 532 (69.72)
Moderate intensity exercise Yes 209 (76.28) 0.78
238 (75.56) 0.43
206 (73.31) 3.00
No 477 (73.50) 458 (77.50) 436 (67.60)
Total 160 (81.63) 6.97
183 (82.06) 4.56
188 (77.69) 10.76
526 (72.35) 513 (75.11) 454 (66.37)
Table 3

HRQoL according to General Characteristics and Health Behavior of Residents in Integrated Changwon

Variables Characteristics Categories Masana Jnhaeb Changwonc F or t (p) Tuckey or Tamhane's T3
General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 0.94±0.06 0.93±0.05 0.94±0.04 2.42 (.090) b<a, c
30~39 0.94±0.03 0.93±0.04 0.94±0.03 5.12 (.006) b, c<a
40~49 0.94±0.03 0.92±0.07 0.93±0.05 10.98 (<.001)
50~59 0.92±0.09 0.91±0.07 0.92±0.08 1.09 (.336)
≥60 0.85±0.17 0.82±0.18 0.86±0.16 1.75 (.174)
Gender Male 0.93±0.09 0.91±0.10 0.93±0.08 3.79 (.023) b<c
Female 0.90±0.12 0.89±0.12 0.91±0.09 6.03 (.002) b<c
Resident area Dong 0.91±0.11 0.90±0.11 0.92±0.09 8.80 (<.001) b<c
Eup, Myeon 0.91±0.09 0.90±0.09 -1.69 (.091)
Education ≤Middle school 0.84±0.17 0.83±0.17 0.86±0.15 1.57 (.210) b<a, c
High school 0.93±0.05 0.91±0.07 0.93±0.05 10.36 (<.001) b<a, c
College (2~3 yr) 0.94±0.06 0.93±0.05 0.93±0.10 1.13 (.325)
University (4 yr) 0.94±0.06 0.92±0.09 0.94±0.03 7.44 (.001)
House hold income per a family member 1st quintile 0.86±0.16 0.86±0.16 0.89±0.12 3.48 (.032) a, b<c
2nd quintile 0.91±0.11 0.91±0.08 0.92±0.08 0.96 (.385) b<a, c
3rd quintile 0.93±0.05 0.90±0.12 0.92±0.07 6.43 (.002)
4th quintile 0.93±0.05 0.92±0.07 0.93±0.09 1.83 (.161)
5th quintile 0.94±0.08 0.92±0.06 0.92±0.07 2.82 (.061)
Resident duration More than 20 yr 0.91±0.12 0.89±0.13 0.92±0.09 12.04 (<.001) b<a, c
Less than 20 yr 0.93±0.05 0.92±0.06 0.92±0.09 1.74 (.176)
Employment status Employer 0.94±0.04 0.91±0.11 0.93±0.04 6.41 (.002) b<a, c
Employee 0.94±0.05 0.92±0.06 0.93±0.05 10.78 (<.001) b<a, c
No job or student 0.88±0.15 0.87±0.15 0.90±0.12 3.94 (.020) b<c
Health problem Presence 0.77±0.22 0.80±0.17 0.84±0.19 3.31 (.038) a<c
None 0.93±0.07 0.91±0.09 0.93±0.06 11.50 (<.001) b<a, c
Health behavior Smoking Yes 0.93±0.08 0.92±0.10 0.93±0.07 1.94 (.145) b<c
No 0.90±0.12 0.89±0.11 0.92±0.09 8.17 (<.001)
High risk drinking Yes 0.93±0.08 0.92±0.06 0.93±0.07 1.71 (.181) b<c
No 0.90±0.12 0.89±0.13 0.91±0.09 8.58 (<.001)
Moderate intensity exercise Yes 0.93±0.06 0.91±0.08 0.92±0.06 2.50 (.083) b<c
No 0.91±0.12 0.89±0.12 0.92±0.09 6.95 (.001)
Total 0.91±0.11 0.90±0.11 0.92±0.09 8.49 (<.001) b<a, c
Table 4

The Effect of Social Capital on HRQoL of Residents in Integrated Changwon

Variables Masan Jinhae Changwon
B SE β t p B SE β t p B SE β t p
Social capital
 Trust (ref No) -0.005 0.007 -0.020 -0.71 .481 0.001 0.007 0.007 0.22 .827 0.003 0.006 0.014 0.46 .646
 Participation (ref No) 0.019 0.007 0.072 2.59 .010 0.046 0.008 0.169 5.61 <.001 0.028 0.006 0.143 4.64 <.001
 Network (ref contact less 1/week) 0.025 0.007 0.098 3.51 <.001 0.006 0.008 0.022 0.75 .455 -0.011 0.006 -0.057 -1.82 .069
Adj. R2=.34, F=25.05, p<.001 Adj. R2=.27, F=18.41, p<.001 Adj. R2=.20, F=12.45, p<.001

Tested by multiple regression analysis with adjusted for sex, age, educational level, resident area, house hold income per a family member, resident duration, employment, health problem, smoking, high risk drinking, moderate intensity exercise; When presenting to the second decimal place, the effective numbers of some statistics were not displayed. Therefore, B, SE, and β were presented as the third decimal place.

This research is financially supported by Changwon National University in 2015~2016.

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    The Effect of Social Capital on Health-related Quality of Life of Residents in Integrated Changwon City: Using the Data of the 2013 Community Health Survey
    The Effect of Social Capital on Health-related Quality of Life of Residents in Integrated Changwon City: Using the Data of the 2013 Community Health Survey
    Variables Characteristics Categories Masan Jinhae Changwon x2 (p)
    n (%) n (%) n (%)
    General characteristics Age (year) <30 126 (13.65) 109 (12.03) 163 (17.60) 77.67 (<.001)
    30~39 160 (17.33) 211 (23.29) 131 (14.15)
    40~49 187 (20.26) 187 (20.64) 238 (25.70)
    50~59 201 (21.78) 190 (20.97) 251 (27.11)
    ≥60 249 (26.98) 209 (23.07) 143 (15.44)
    M±SD 49.1±16.62a 47.8±15.83b 45.9±14.90c 9.41 (<.001)
    a, b>c
    Gender Male 410 (44.42) 417 (46.03) 422 (45.58) 0.51 (.776)
    Female 513 (55.58) 489 (53.97) 504 (54.43)
    Resident area Dong 716 (77.60) 906 (100.00) 868 (93.74) 98.36 (<.001)
    Eup, Myeon 207 (22.40) 58 (6.26)
    Education ≤Middle school 258 (27.95) 194 (21.41) 159 (17.17) 46.46 (<.001)
    High school 318 (34.45) 343 (37.86) 360 (38.88)
    College (2~3 yr) 120 (13.00) 169 (18.65) 137 (14.79)
    University (4 yr) 227 (24.59) 200 (22.08) 270 (29.16)
    Household income per a family member (10,000 won) 1st quintile 227 (24.59) 202 (22.30) 168 (18.18) 17.20 (.028)
    2nd quintile 167 (18.09) 166 (18.32) 182 (19.70)
    3rd quintile 176 (19.07) 193 (21.30) 180 (19.48)
    4th quintile 168 (18.20) 184 (20.31) 210 (22.73)
    5th quintile 185 (20.04) 161 (17.77) 184 (19.91)
    M±SD 1,361.50±823.91 1,420.57±992.39 1,450.04±829.91 2.40 (.091)
    Resident duration More than 20 yr 774 (83.86) 600 (66.30) 679 (73.41) 75.30 (<.001)
    Less than 20 yr 149 (16.14) 305 (33.70) 246 (26.59)
    Employment Employer 124 (13.43) 130 (14.35) 123 (13.28) 20.43 (<.001)
    Employee 382 (41.39) 451 (49.78) 455 (49.14)
    No job or student 417 (45.18) 325 (35.87) 348 (37.58)
    Health problem presence 107 (11.59) 108 (11.92) 84 (9.07) 4.63 (.099)
    none 816 (88.41) 798 (88.08) 842 (90.93)
    Health behavior Smoking Yes 204 (22.10) 196 (21.63) 163 (17.60) 6.95 (.031)
    No 719 (77.90) 710 (78.37) 763 (82.40)
    High risk drinking Yes 274 (29.70) 315 (34.77) 281 (30.35) 6.45 (.040)
    No 649 (70.30) 591 (65.23) 645 (69.65)
    Moderate intensity exercise Yes 196 (21.24) 223 (24.61) 242 (26.13) 6.37 (.041)
    No 727 (78.76) 683 (75.39) 684 (73.87)
    Total 923 (100.00) 906 (100.00) 926 (100.00)
    Variables Characteristics Categories Trust
    Masan Jinhae Changwon
    n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p)
    General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 76 (60.32) 32.56
    42 (38.53) 55.53
    84 (51.53) 49.12
    30~39 101 (63.13) 97 (45.97) 75 (57.25)
    40~49 132 (70.59) 88 (47.06) 156 (65.55)
    50~59 146 (72.64) 124 (65.26) 183 (72.91)
    ≥60 209 (83.94) 150 (71.77) 122 (85.31)
    Gender Male 299 (72.92) 0.36
    231 (55.39) 0.01
    282 (66.82) 0.01
    Female 365 (71.15) 270 (55.21) 338 (67.06)
    Resident area Dong 533 (74.44) 9.901
    501 (55.30) - 579 (66.71) .39
    Eup, Myeon 131 (63.29) 41 (70.69)
    Education ≤Middle school 204 (79.07) 16.97
    137 (70.62) 25.44
    129 (81.13) 33.78
    High school 217 (68.24) 183 (53.35) 250 (69.44)
    College (2~3 yr) 73 (60.83) 79 (46.75) 69 (50.36)
    University (4 yr) 170 (74.89) 102 (51.00) 172 (63.70)
    House hold income per a family member 1th quintile 170 (74.89) 4.26
    111 (54.95) 4.01
    127 (75.60) 7.83
    2nd quintile 114 (68.26) 98 (59.04) 121 (66.48)
    3rd quintile 120 (68.18) 104 (53.89) 112 (62.22)
    4th quintile 121 (72.02) 108 (58.70) 137 (65.24)
    5th quintile 139 (75.14) 80 (49.69) 122 (66.30)
    Resident duration More than 20 yr 570 (73.64) 6.90
    365 (60.83) 22.46
    479 (70.54) 14.30
    Less than 20 yr 94 (63.09) 135 (44.26) 141 (57.32)
    Employment status Employer 89 (71.77) 6.29
    83 (63.85) 4.49
    82 (66.67) 9.03
    Employee 259 (67.80) 243 (53.88) 285 (62.64)
    No job or student 316 (75.78) 175 (53.85) 253 (72.70)
    Health problem Presence 72 (67.29) 1.30
    65 (60.19) 1.19
    53 (63.10) 0.62
    None 592 (72.55) 436 (54.64) 567 (67.34)
    Health behavior Smoking Yes 143 (70.10) 0.44
    90 (45.92) 8.90
    103 (63.19) 1.27
    No 521 (72.46) 411 (57.89) 517 (67.76)
    High risk drinking Yes 173 (63.14) 14.95
    153 (48.57) 8.84
    173 (61.57) 5.30
    No 491 (75.65) 348 (58.88) 447 (69.30)
    Moderate intensity exercise Yes 137 (69.90) 0.51
    119 (53.36) 0.45
    167 (69.01) 0.62
    No 527 (72.49) 382 (55.93) 453 (66.23)
    Total 664 (71.94) 501 (55.30) 620 (66.95)
    Variables Characteristics Categories Social participation
    Masan Jinhae Changwon
    n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p)
    General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 76 (60.32) 36.27
    68 (62.39) 50.92
    86 (52.76) 53.49
    30~39 119 (74.38) 152 (72.04) 94 (71.76)
    40~49 158 (84.49) 163 (87.17) 191 (80.25)
    50~59 170 (84.58) 174 (91.58) 208 (82.87)
    ≥60 176 (70.68) 165 (78.95) 105 (73.43)
    Gender Male 326 (79.51) 5.74
    340 (81.53) 1.62
    313 (74.17) 0.04
    Female 373 (72.71) 382 (78.12) 371 (73.61)
    Resident area Dong 546 (76.26) 0.48
    722 (79.69) - 642 (73.96) 0.07
    Eup, Myeon 153 (73.91) 42 (72.41)
    Education ≤Middle school 177 (68.60) 16.83
    145 (74.74) 5.58
    109 (68.55) 8.45
    High school 256 (80.50) 280 (81.63) 284 (78.89)
    College (2~3 yr) 83 (69.17) 131 (77.51) 100 (72.99)
    University (4 yr) 183 (80.62) 166 (83.00) 191 (70.74)
    House hold income per a family member 1th quintile 155 (68.28) 5.27
    144 (71.29) 23.47
    118 (70.24) 11.84
    2nd quintile 126 (75.45) 122 (73.49) 128 (70.33)
    3rd quintile 133 (75.57) 157 (81.35) 133 (73.89)
    4th quintile 134 (79.76) 159 (86.41) 157 (74.76)
    5th quintile 151 (81.62) 140 (86.96) 146 (79.35)
    Resident duration More than 20 yr 600 (77.52) 8.34
    485 (80.83) 1.23
    505 (74.37) .38
    Less than 20 yr 99 (66.44) 237 (77.70) 178 (72.36)
    Employment status Employer 111 (89.52) 29.10
    110 (84.62) 4.54
    98 (79.67) 7.60
    Employee 304 (79.58) 364 (80.71) 346 (76.04)
    No job or student 284 (68.11) 248 (76.31) 240 (68.97)
    Health problem Presence 67 (62.62) 11.33
    77 (71.30) 5.34
    66 (78.57) 1.06
    Health behavior Smoking Yes 632 (77.45) 645
    618 (73.40) 8.90
    103 (63.19) 1.27
    No 517 (67.76)
    High risk drinking Yes 151 (74.02) 0.42
    162 (82.65) 1.36
    122 (74.85) 0.10
    No 548 (76.22) 560 (78.87) 562 (73.66)
    Moderate intensity exercise Yes 217 (79.20) 2.55
    251 (79.68) 0.01
    210 (74.73) 0.16
    No 482 (74.27) 471 (79.70) 474 (73.49)
    Total 162 (82.65) 6.49
    190 (85.20) 5.55
    182 (75.21) 0.31
    537 (73.87) 532 (77.89) 502 (73.39)
    Variables Characteristics Categories Network
    Masan Jinhae Changwon
    n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p) n (%) x2 (p)
    General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 106 (84.13) 21.74
    97 (88.99) 40.13
    136 (83.44) 18.70
    30~39 104 (65.00) 143 (67.77) 88 (67.18)
    40~49 130 (69.52) 125 (66.84) 159 (66.81)
    50~59 145 (72.14) 151 (79.47) 164 (65.34)
    ≥60 201 (80.72) 180 (86.12) 95 (66.43)
    Gender Male 286 (69.76) 8.06
    304 (72.90) 6.67
    271 (64.22) 9.53
    Female 400 (77.97) 392 (80.16) 371 (73.61)
    Resident area Dong 534 (74.58) 0.11
    696 (76.82) - 602 (69.35) 0.01
    Eup, Myeon 152 (73.43) 40 (68.97)
    Education ≤Middle school 212 (82.17) 5.28
    166 (85.57) 6.79
    107 (67.30) 15.35
    High school 231 (72.64) 247 (72.01) 236 (65.56)
    College (2~3 yr) 84 (70.00) 131 (77.51) 113 (82.48)
    University (4 yr) 159 (70.04) 152 (76.00) 186 (68.89)
    House hold income per a family member 1th quintile 176 (77.53) 5.68
    154 (76.24) 0.27
    104 (61.90) 16.14
    2nd quintile 122 (73.05) 130 (78.31) 122 (67.03)
    3rd quintile 130 (73.86) 148 (76.68) 120 (66.67)
    4th quintile 131 (77.98) 141 (76.63) 147 (70.00)
    5th quintile 127 (68.65) 123 (76.40) 148 (80.43)
    Resident duration More than 20 yr 576 (74.42) 0.02
    487 (81.17) 19.09
    464 (68.34) 1.11
    Less than 20 yr 110 (73.83) 208 (68.20) 177 (71.95)
    Employment status Employer 99 (79.84) 30.29
    107 (82.31) 13.66
    95 (77.24) 7.03
    Employee 248 (64.92) 323 (71.62) 299 (65.71)
    No job or student 339 (81.29) 266 (81.85) 248 (71.26)
    Health problem Presence 80 (74.77) 0.01
    81 (75.00) 0.23
    48 (57.14) 6.45
    Health behavior Smoking Yes 606 (74.26) 615 (77.07) 594 (70.55) 8.90
    103 (63.19) 1.27
    No 517 (67.76)
    High risk drinking Yes 152 (74.51) 0.01
    145 (73.98) 1.13
    110 (67.48) 0.32
    No 534 (74.27) 551 (77.61) 532 (69.72)
    Moderate intensity exercise Yes 209 (76.28) 0.78
    238 (75.56) 0.43
    206 (73.31) 3.00
    No 477 (73.50) 458 (77.50) 436 (67.60)
    Total 160 (81.63) 6.97
    183 (82.06) 4.56
    188 (77.69) 10.76
    526 (72.35) 513 (75.11) 454 (66.37)
    Variables Characteristics Categories Masana Jnhaeb Changwonc F or t (p) Tuckey or Tamhane's T3
    M±SD M±SD M±SD
    General characteristics Age (year) ≤30 0.94±0.06 0.93±0.05 0.94±0.04 2.42 (.090) b<a, c
    30~39 0.94±0.03 0.93±0.04 0.94±0.03 5.12 (.006) b, c<a
    40~49 0.94±0.03 0.92±0.07 0.93±0.05 10.98 (<.001)
    50~59 0.92±0.09 0.91±0.07 0.92±0.08 1.09 (.336)
    ≥60 0.85±0.17 0.82±0.18 0.86±0.16 1.75 (.174)
    Gender Male 0.93±0.09 0.91±0.10 0.93±0.08 3.79 (.023) b<c
    Female 0.90±0.12 0.89±0.12 0.91±0.09 6.03 (.002) b<c
    Resident area Dong 0.91±0.11 0.90±0.11 0.92±0.09 8.80 (<.001) b<c
    Eup, Myeon 0.91±0.09 0.90±0.09 -1.69 (.091)
    Education ≤Middle school 0.84±0.17 0.83±0.17 0.86±0.15 1.57 (.210) b<a, c
    High school 0.93±0.05 0.91±0.07 0.93±0.05 10.36 (<.001) b<a, c
    College (2~3 yr) 0.94±0.06 0.93±0.05 0.93±0.10 1.13 (.325)
    University (4 yr) 0.94±0.06 0.92±0.09 0.94±0.03 7.44 (.001)
    House hold income per a family member 1st quintile 0.86±0.16 0.86±0.16 0.89±0.12 3.48 (.032) a, b<c
    2nd quintile 0.91±0.11 0.91±0.08 0.92±0.08 0.96 (.385) b<a, c
    3rd quintile 0.93±0.05 0.90±0.12 0.92±0.07 6.43 (.002)
    4th quintile 0.93±0.05 0.92±0.07 0.93±0.09 1.83 (.161)
    5th quintile 0.94±0.08 0.92±0.06 0.92±0.07 2.82 (.061)
    Resident duration More than 20 yr 0.91±0.12 0.89±0.13 0.92±0.09 12.04 (<.001) b<a, c
    Less than 20 yr 0.93±0.05 0.92±0.06 0.92±0.09 1.74 (.176)
    Employment status Employer 0.94±0.04 0.91±0.11 0.93±0.04 6.41 (.002) b<a, c
    Employee 0.94±0.05 0.92±0.06 0.93±0.05 10.78 (<.001) b<a, c
    No job or student 0.88±0.15 0.87±0.15 0.90±0.12 3.94 (.020) b<c
    Health problem Presence 0.77±0.22 0.80±0.17 0.84±0.19 3.31 (.038) a<c
    None 0.93±0.07 0.91±0.09 0.93±0.06 11.50 (<.001) b<a, c
    Health behavior Smoking Yes 0.93±0.08 0.92±0.10 0.93±0.07 1.94 (.145) b<c
    No 0.90±0.12 0.89±0.11 0.92±0.09 8.17 (<.001)
    High risk drinking Yes 0.93±0.08 0.92±0.06 0.93±0.07 1.71 (.181) b<c
    No 0.90±0.12 0.89±0.13 0.91±0.09 8.58 (<.001)
    Moderate intensity exercise Yes 0.93±0.06 0.91±0.08 0.92±0.06 2.50 (.083) b<c
    No 0.91±0.12 0.89±0.12 0.92±0.09 6.95 (.001)
    Total 0.91±0.11 0.90±0.11 0.92±0.09 8.49 (<.001) b<a, c
    Variables Masan Jinhae Changwon
    B SE β t p B SE β t p B SE β t p
    Social capital
     Trust (ref No) -0.005 0.007 -0.020 -0.71 .481 0.001 0.007 0.007 0.22 .827 0.003 0.006 0.014 0.46 .646
     Participation (ref No) 0.019 0.007 0.072 2.59 .010 0.046 0.008 0.169 5.61 <.001 0.028 0.006 0.143 4.64 <.001
     Network (ref contact less 1/week) 0.025 0.007 0.098 3.51 <.001 0.006 0.008 0.022 0.75 .455 -0.011 0.006 -0.057 -1.82 .069
    Adj. R2=.34, F=25.05, p<.001 Adj. R2=.27, F=18.41, p<.001 Adj. R2=.20, F=12.45, p<.001
    Table 1 General Characteristics, Health Behavior of Residents in Integrated Changwon

    Excluding Jinhae from χ2 test.

    Table 2 Social Capital according to General Characteristics and Health Behavior of Residents in Integrated Changwon

    Table 3 HRQoL according to General Characteristics and Health Behavior of Residents in Integrated Changwon

    Table 4 The Effect of Social Capital on HRQoL of Residents in Integrated Changwon

    Tested by multiple regression analysis with adjusted for sex, age, educational level, resident area, house hold income per a family member, resident duration, employment, health problem, smoking, high risk drinking, moderate intensity exercise; When presenting to the second decimal place, the effective numbers of some statistics were not displayed. Therefore, B, SE, and β were presented as the third decimal place.

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing