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Original Article
The Effect of Sleep Duration and Relief of Fatigue after Sleep on the Risk of Injury at School among Korean Adolescents
Jungok Yu, Jungsoon Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(2):100-107.
Published online: June 30, 2015

1Wolgye Elementary School, Ulsan, Korea.

2College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea.

• Received: March 20, 2015   • Revised: April 23, 2015   • Accepted: June 5, 2015

© 2015 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • Purpose
    To explore the association between sleep and the risk of accidental injury at school among Korean adolescents.
  • Methods
    From the database of the Ninth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (KYRBS), the researcher selected 63,307 adolescents who responded to a survey on sleep hours. We conducted logistic regression with sleep duration and fatigue after sleep as independent variables, the risk of injury at school as a dependent variable, and gender, grade, school type, economic status, parents' education level, number of participations in physical education, and current smoking and drinking as control variables.
  • Results
    Using 9 hours of sleep as the reference, the adjusted injury risk (odds ratio) was 1.74 for those sleeping less than 5 hours a day, 1.61 for 5 hours, 1.45 for 6 hours, 1.31 for 7 hours, 1.13 for 8 hours, and 1.40 for 10 hours or longer. The difference between each pair of groups was statistically significant. In this study, injury risk increased as sleep duration decreased and fatigue after sleep increased.
  • Conclusion
    The findings suggest that a short nightly duration of sleep and fatigue after sleep can be considered potential risk factorsfor unintentional injuries at school among Korean adolescents.
Table 1

Unintentional Injury at School according to Sleep and Other Variables among Adolescents in Korea (N=63,307)

Variables Categories Injured No injured x2 p
n (%) n (%)
Total 29,508 (46.4) 33,799 (53.6)
Gender Male 15,511 (48.6) 16,105 (51.4) 138.20 <.001
Female 13,997 (44.0) 17,694 (56.0)
Grade 7 5,195 (51.0) 5,053 (49.0) 770.98 <.001
8 5,541 (53.9) 4,738 (46.1)
9 5,398 (50.8) 5,149 (49.2)
10 4,517 (41.8) 6,164 (58.2)
11 4,578 (43.2) 6,052 (56.8)
12 4,279 (39.1) 6,643 (60.9)
School type Boys only 5,334 (49.2) 5,379 (50.8) 180.92 <.001
Girls only 4,634 (40.9) 6,550 (59.1)
Both 19,540 (47.1) 21,870 (52.9)
Perceived economic status Upper 9,678 (49.5) 10,079 (51.0) 91.94 <.001
Middle 13,684 (44.7) 16,675 (55.3)
Lower 6,146 (46.1) 7,045 (53.9)
Father's education level (year) ≤9 1,072 (45.1) 1,285 (54.9) 55.69 <.001
10~13 9,563 (45.0) 11,454 (55.0)
≥14 13,388 (47.9) 14,356 (52.1)
Unknown 4,238 (44.7) 5,238 (55.3)
Mother's education level (year) ≤9 989 (45.2) 1,220 (54.8) 97.73 <.001
10~13 12,024 (44.8) 14,540 (55.2)
≥14 11,185 (48.8) 11,623 (51.2)
Unknown 4,096 (44.4) 5,131 (55.6)
Number of physical education per week 0 4,324 (35.5) 7,603 (64.5) 1,003.46 <.001
1 5,102 (44.7) 6,261 (55.3)
2 8,483 (46.2) 9,702 (53.8)
3 11,599 (53.5) 10,233 (46.5)
Current smoking Yes 7,034 (52.1) 6,401 (47.9) 221.35 <.001
No 22,474 (44.8) 27,398 (55.2)
Alcohol consumption Yes 14,078 (50.3) 13,775 (49.7) 298.93 <.001
No 15,430 (43.4) 20,024 (56.6)
Sleep duration (hour/day) <5 3,877 (46.0) 4,538 (54.0) 22.30 .017
5 6,097 (45.5) 7,174 (54.5)
6 7,302 (46.1) 8,402 (53.9)
7 7,252 (47.8) 7,871 (52.2)
8 3,897 (46.7) 4,468 (53.3)
9 931 (44.1) 1,182 (55.9)
≥10 152 (49.5) 164 (50.5)
Relief of fatigue after sleep Very enough 1,724 (40.4) 2,542 (59.6) 199.44 <.001
Enough 5,127 (43.4) 6,507 (56.6)
So-so 9,173 (45.5) 11,058 (54.5)
Not enough 9,221 (48.8) 9,529 (51.2)
Never enough 4,263 (50.1) 4,163 (49.9)

Unweighted; Weighed.

Table 2

Logistic Regression Analysis of Relationship between Sleep hours, Relief of Fatigue after Sleep and Injury Risk

Variables Adjusted OR 95% CI
Sleep hours (ref : 9hr)
 <5 1.74 1.53~1.98
 5 1.61 1.43~1.83
 6 1.45 1.28~1.63
 7 1.31 1.16~1.47
 8 1.13 1.01~1.27
 ≥10 1.40 1.03~1.91
Relief of fatigue after sleep (ref : very enough)
 Enough 1.17 1.08~1.28
 So-so 1.36 1.26~1.47
 Not enough 1.63 1.50~1.77
 Never enough 1.77 1.62~1.95

OR=odds ratio; CI=confidential interval; Adjusted odds ratio is Logistic regression model with gender, grade, school type, economic status, parents education level, number of physical education, current smoking and drinking as covariate.

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    The Effect of Sleep Duration and Relief of Fatigue after Sleep on the Risk of Injury at School among Korean Adolescents
    The Effect of Sleep Duration and Relief of Fatigue after Sleep on the Risk of Injury at School among Korean Adolescents
    Variables Categories Injured No injured x2 p
    n (%) n (%)
    Total 29,508 (46.4) 33,799 (53.6)
    Gender Male 15,511 (48.6) 16,105 (51.4) 138.20 <.001
    Female 13,997 (44.0) 17,694 (56.0)
    Grade 7 5,195 (51.0) 5,053 (49.0) 770.98 <.001
    8 5,541 (53.9) 4,738 (46.1)
    9 5,398 (50.8) 5,149 (49.2)
    10 4,517 (41.8) 6,164 (58.2)
    11 4,578 (43.2) 6,052 (56.8)
    12 4,279 (39.1) 6,643 (60.9)
    School type Boys only 5,334 (49.2) 5,379 (50.8) 180.92 <.001
    Girls only 4,634 (40.9) 6,550 (59.1)
    Both 19,540 (47.1) 21,870 (52.9)
    Perceived economic status Upper 9,678 (49.5) 10,079 (51.0) 91.94 <.001
    Middle 13,684 (44.7) 16,675 (55.3)
    Lower 6,146 (46.1) 7,045 (53.9)
    Father's education level (year) ≤9 1,072 (45.1) 1,285 (54.9) 55.69 <.001
    10~13 9,563 (45.0) 11,454 (55.0)
    ≥14 13,388 (47.9) 14,356 (52.1)
    Unknown 4,238 (44.7) 5,238 (55.3)
    Mother's education level (year) ≤9 989 (45.2) 1,220 (54.8) 97.73 <.001
    10~13 12,024 (44.8) 14,540 (55.2)
    ≥14 11,185 (48.8) 11,623 (51.2)
    Unknown 4,096 (44.4) 5,131 (55.6)
    Number of physical education per week 0 4,324 (35.5) 7,603 (64.5) 1,003.46 <.001
    1 5,102 (44.7) 6,261 (55.3)
    2 8,483 (46.2) 9,702 (53.8)
    3 11,599 (53.5) 10,233 (46.5)
    Current smoking Yes 7,034 (52.1) 6,401 (47.9) 221.35 <.001
    No 22,474 (44.8) 27,398 (55.2)
    Alcohol consumption Yes 14,078 (50.3) 13,775 (49.7) 298.93 <.001
    No 15,430 (43.4) 20,024 (56.6)
    Sleep duration (hour/day) <5 3,877 (46.0) 4,538 (54.0) 22.30 .017
    5 6,097 (45.5) 7,174 (54.5)
    6 7,302 (46.1) 8,402 (53.9)
    7 7,252 (47.8) 7,871 (52.2)
    8 3,897 (46.7) 4,468 (53.3)
    9 931 (44.1) 1,182 (55.9)
    ≥10 152 (49.5) 164 (50.5)
    Relief of fatigue after sleep Very enough 1,724 (40.4) 2,542 (59.6) 199.44 <.001
    Enough 5,127 (43.4) 6,507 (56.6)
    So-so 9,173 (45.5) 11,058 (54.5)
    Not enough 9,221 (48.8) 9,529 (51.2)
    Never enough 4,263 (50.1) 4,163 (49.9)
    Variables Adjusted OR 95% CI
    Sleep hours (ref : 9hr)
     <5 1.74 1.53~1.98
     5 1.61 1.43~1.83
     6 1.45 1.28~1.63
     7 1.31 1.16~1.47
     8 1.13 1.01~1.27
     ≥10 1.40 1.03~1.91
    Relief of fatigue after sleep (ref : very enough)
     Enough 1.17 1.08~1.28
     So-so 1.36 1.26~1.47
     Not enough 1.63 1.50~1.77
     Never enough 1.77 1.62~1.95
    Table 1 Unintentional Injury at School according to Sleep and Other Variables among Adolescents in Korea (N=63,307)

    Unweighted; Weighed.

    Table 2 Logistic Regression Analysis of Relationship between Sleep hours, Relief of Fatigue after Sleep and Injury Risk

    OR=odds ratio; CI=confidential interval; Adjusted odds ratio is Logistic regression model with gender, grade, school type, economic status, parents education level, number of physical education, current smoking and drinking as covariate.

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing