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HOME > J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs > Volume 11(2); 2000 > Article
Original Article Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles of the Korean Elderly in Japan
Ae Hwa Jaung, Kyung Min Park, Mi Kyung Ryu

Published online: December 31, 2000
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The purpose of this study was to investigate health promotion lifestyle profiles of the Korean elderly in Japan. The subjects of this study were 202 elders in Aichi prefecture. The method of this study questionnaires interviews, and a self-administered questionnaire from the 1st to the 20th of April in 2000. This study tool was based on Walker et al. (1987)'s Health Promotion lifestyle Profiles (HPLP). Analysis of the data used an SPSS/pc+ WIN 9.0 program. Data analyses were conducted by using frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA. Pearson correlation, Kendal tau and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results were as follows: 1. The average score of Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles of Korean elderly in Japan was 2.72(SD=0.40). On the sub-scale of Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles: nutrition(M=3. 06), self-actualization(M=2.99), interpersonal support (M=2.81), stress management (M=2.68) revealed higher scores, whereas the scores of health responsibility(M=2.52), and exercise(M=1.92) were lower. 2. Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles were significantly different by age (F=11. 02, p=.000), religion(F=2.96, p=.033), occupation(F=6.91, p=.000), living family status(F=13.07, p=.000), living family number(F=11.74, p=.000), monthly pocket money(F=18.79, p=.000), the source of pocket money (F=7.18, p=.000), and the length of residence(F=9.79, p=.000). 3. Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles was significantly predicted by monthly pocket money(r2 change=0. 188, p=.000), sex(r2 change=0.066, p=.000), the length of residence(r2 change=0.059, p=.000), the source of pocket money(r2 change=0.036, p=.000), age (r2 change=0.018, p=.000). These variables showed a positive correlation with health promotion lifestyle profiles of the Korean elderly in Japan. These variables explained 36.7% of the variance of Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles. On the basis of the above findings, Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles programs for Korean elderly in Japan needs be to developed with Japanese social-culture perspectives and needs to develop an intervention method to improve Health Promotion Lifestyle Profiles. It is also suggested that further research is required.

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