The purspose of this study is to examine the undergraduate students' attitudes, salient beliefs, perceived self-control and intentions for moderate drinking behavior of their own. Two hundred and twenty five students in two universities in Seoul and Suwon participated in this study. Questionnaires developed by this investigator under the guidance of the theory of planned behavior were used to collect data, Descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA. Pearson correlation coefficients. and multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The majority of the students showed positive attitudes toward the moderate drinking behavior. Students perceived conflict messages. however. from their significant others about their moderate drinking behavior. While parents and other family members as sisters and brothers strongly supported the moderate drinking behavior of students, friends and school-mates did not. More than half of the students did not intend to reduce their alcohol consumption in the near future. Students' attitudes and perceived self-control were the predictor variables of the intention while subjective norms were not. Students who intended to reduce their alcohol consumption showed a more positive attitude, subjective norm, and higher perceived self-control scores than who did not. These students who were intent for moderate drinking behavior spent less money for drinking, had less opportunities to drink, and drank small amounts of alcohol Moderate Drinking Behavior programs focusing on students who were heavy drinkers, however, did not intend to reduce their alcohol consumption should be developed focused on their characters. Programs for students who intended to reduce their alcohol consumption also recommended to help the students' positive intention continued.