Effects of Health Literacy and Knowledge on Diabetic Self-care in the Elderly with DM Living Alone

Article information

Res Community Public Health Nurs. 2016;27(4):370-379
Publication date (electronic) : 2016 December 31
doi : https://doi.org/10.12799/jkachn.2016.27.4.370
1Graduate School, College of Nursing, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea.
Corresponding author: Yang, Youngran. College of Nursing, Chonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju 54896, Korea. Tel: +82-63-270-3116, Fax: +82-63-270-3127, youngran13@jbnu.ac.kr
Received 2016 October 04; Revised 2016 December 06; Accepted 2016 December 08.



The aim of this study was to evaluate the level of self-care adherence in the elderly with diabetes mellitus (DM) who have lived alone, and to investigate the association between health literacy, diabetic knowledge and self-care adherence.


Descriptive research using the cross-sectional approach was conducted. Data was collected by using a convenience sampling of 201 participants who aged sixty-five years old or more and have lived alone. Statistical analysis was conducted by using an independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.


Mean scores of health literacy, diabetic knowledge and adherence of self-care were 4.41±3.54 points out of a possible 12, 6.22±2.55 points out of a possible 15, 58.56±17.28 points out of a possible 112, respectively. Adherence of self-care showed a statistical association with health literacy (r=.26, p<.001) and diabetic knowledge (r=.30, p<.001). Statistically significant factors in the regression model were monthly income, diabetic knowledge and exercise.


The level of self-care adherence in the elderly with diabetes living alone was relatively low. Diabetic knowledge was an important factor to improve the level of self-care adherence for the elderly with diabetes living alone.


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Article information Continued

Table 1

General Characteristics and Diabetes-related Characteristics (N=201)

Characteristics Categories n (%)
Age (year) 65~<75 52 (25.9)
75~<85 117 (58.2)
≥85 32 (15.9)
Gender Male 42 (20.9)
Female 159 (79.1)
Education ≤Elementary school 178 (88.6)
≥Middle school 23 (11.4)
Religion Yes 111 (55.2)
No 90 (44.8)
Occupation Employed 20 (10.0)
Unemployed 181 (90.0)
Monthly income (10,000 won/month) <50 145 (72.1)
≥50 56 (27.9)
Smoking Yes 11 (5.5)
No 190 (94.5)
Drinking Yes 46 (22.9)
No 155 (77.1)
Exercise Yes 108 (53.7)
No 93 (46.3)
Diagnosis duration (year) <10 99 (49.3)
10~<20 60 (29.8)
≥20 42 (20.9)
Experiences in diabetes education Yes 50 (24.9)
No 151 (75.1)
Subjective health Good 10 (5.0)
Moderate 102 (50.7)
Poor 89 (44.3)

Table 2

Health Literacy, Diabetes Knowledge and Adherence to Diabetic Self Care (N=201)

Variables and sub category n (%) M±SD (score) Range Correct (%) Compliance (day)
Health literacy 201 (100.0) 4.41±3.54 0~12
 Inadequate 145 (72.1) 0~6
 Marginal 41 (20.4) 7~10
 Adequate 15 (7.5) 11~12
Diabetes knowledge 6.22±2.55 0~15 22.4
 Causes 57.7
 Symptoms 13.9
 Proper blood glucose control level 15.9
  - related to 'HgbA1c and normal level' 32.8
 Drug therapy 55.7
 General management 91.0
 Exercise 38.7
Adherence to diabetic self care 58.56±17.28 0~112
 Diet 3.4
 Exercise 2.9
 Blood sugar test 2.9
 Foot care 3.8
 Drug therapy 5.9

Table 3

Differences of Health Literacy, Diabetes Knowledge, and Adherence to Self Care according to General Characteristics and Diabetes-related Characteristics (N=201)

Characteristics category Health literacy Diabetes knowledge Adherence to self care
M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p) M±SD t or F (p)
Age (year) 65~<75a 6.58±3.72 16.72
a>b, c
6.65±2.77 1.10
61.08±17.83 0.78
75~<85b 3.90±3.12 6.03±2.51 57.49±17.55
≥85c 2.75±3.12 6.22±2.28 58.38±15.34
Gender Male 6.81±3.49 5.26
7.36±3.16 2.77†
58.33±16.86 −0.09
Female 3.77±3.29 5.92±2.28 58.62±17.44
Education ≤Elementary school 3.86±3.27 −6.75
6.07±2.52 −2.28
57.25±16.95 −3.05
≥Middle school 8.65±2.67 7.35±2.52 68.70±16.79
Religion Yes 4.57±3.76 0.71
6.25±2.29 0..21
60.53±17.04 1.81
No 4.21±3.27 6.18±2.85 56.12±17.36
Occupation Employed 7.80±3.52 4.75
6.70±2.27 0.89
67.05±14.84 2.34
Unemployed 4.03±3.35 6.17±2.58 57.62±17.31
Monthly income (10,000 won) <50 3.75±3.35 −4.42
5.89±2.50 −3.01
55.10±16.20 −4.82
≥50 6.11±3.50 7.07±2.49 67.52±16.89
Smoking Yes 4.55±3.70 0.13
7.36±2.58 1.53
54.91±20.32 −0.72
No 4.40±3.55 6.15±2.54 58.77±17.13
Drinking Yes 6.35±3.13 4.42
6.74±3.17 1.34†
55.72±17.19 −1.27
No 3.83±3.46 6.06±2.32 59.40±17.27
Exercise Yes 5.29±3.56 3.92
6.37±2.35 0.91
63.49±17.48 4.57
No 3.39±3.26 6.04±2.77 52.83±15.24
Diagnosis duration (year) <10a 5.05±3.34 3.31
6.53±2.61 1.54
61.56±16.78 3.93
10~<20b 3.72±3.58 5.82±2.72 53.75±18.94
≥20c 3.89±3.76 6.07±2.06 58.36±14.54
Experience in diabetes education Yes 5.48±3.97 2.50
7.10±2.77 2.87
63.90±15.67 2.56
No 4.05±3.33 5.93±2.41 56.79±17.47
Subjective health Gooda 7.70±3.34 17.52
5.40±1.58 12.89
61.60±16.30 1.63
Moderateb 5.33±3.57 7.07±2.64 60.39±17.24
Poorc 2.98±2.92 5.34±2.19 56.11±17.30

Not equal variance.

Table 4

Correlation between Health Literacy, Diabetes Knowledge and Adherence to Self Care (N=201)

Variables Health literacy Diabetes knowledge Adherence to self care
r (p) r (p) r (p)
Health literacy 1
Diabetes knowledge .26 (<.001) 1
Adherence to self care .26 (<.001) .30 (<.001) 1

Table 5

Influencing Factor for Adherence to Self Care (N=201)

Variables B β R2 ∆R2 t p
(Constant) 49.84
Monthly income 8.21 .21 .10 3.22 .001
Diabetes knowledge 1.65 .24 .16 .06 3.78 <.001
Exercise 8.33 .24 .22 .05 3.71 <.001
F=18.24, p<.001

Dummy coded: 1=not less than \500,000; Dummy coded: 1=currently exercise.