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Effects of a Stim up Mat Walking Exercise Program on Balance, Gait Function and Joint Motion Range of the Frail Elderly
Gyeong Ran Kim, Mi Sook Song
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2019;30(1):47-56.   Published online March 31, 2019
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This study was performed to evaluate effects of a stim-up matt walking exercise program on balance and gait of the frail elderly.
A total of 37 elderly people recruited from S city were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=22) and control group (n=15). The stim-up matt walking exercise program was offered twice a week for 8 weeks. Data were analyzed by SPSS 21.0.
The dynamic balance ability Timed Up and Go test of the experimental group was significantly faster than that of the control group (t=21.72, p<.001). The static balance ability open-eye standing test (t=44.15, p<.001) and close-eye standing test (t=9.01, p=.005) also showed increase in effects of the experimental group. In the walking ability, gait cycle (t=2.48, p=.018), cadence (t=−2.21, p=.034) and gait speed (t=−2.78, p=.009), positive effects were on. However, no statistically significant differences were found in stride length and double support. At the ankle joint range left ankle plantar flexion (t=3.92, p<.001) and left ankle dorsal flexion (t=4.51, p<.001) were higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also right ankle plantar flexion (t=2.79, p=.008) and right ankle dorsal flexion (t=2.92, p=.006) increased in the experimental group.
The significance of this study is that the stim-up matt walking exercise program for the frail elderly proves to be useful for improving balance and walking.


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  • Differences in the Gait Pattern and Muscle Activity of the Lower Extremities during Forward and Backward Walking on Sand
    Chae-Won Kwon, Seong Ho Yun, Jung-Won Kwon
    The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy.2022; 34(1): 45.     CrossRef
The Effects of Regular Walking Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, and Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly with Diabetic Mellitus
Ki Wol Sung, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(4):409-418.   Published online December 31, 2010
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This study aimed to estimate the effects of a regular walking exercise program on metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors, and depressive symptoms among the elderly with diabetic mellitus (DM) based on the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA).
This study has randomized and stratified experimental design with experimental and control groups. We developed a regular walking exercise program suitable for the elderly with DM based on the guidance of AAHPERD. The experimental group participated in the regular walking exercise program, which contains walking exercise 3 times a week and 50 minutes each time for 3 months and education on controlling diet and preventing complications once a week and 20 minutes each time for 4 weeks. Post-test was conducted after 3 months to estimate metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular risk factors, and depressive symptoms.
The regular walking exercise program was effective for decreasing the waist size, the level of fasting blood glucose (FBG) and triglyceride (TG), cardiovascular risk factors and the severity of depressive symptoms among the elderly with DM.
The incidence of complications would be decreased by applying a regular walking exercise program.


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    Journal of Health Informatics and Statistics.2024; 49(2): 132.     CrossRef
  • A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Walking Exercise on Depression
    Jonghwa Lee, Youngho Kim
    The Asian Journal of Kinesiology.2023; 25(4): 12.     CrossRef
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  • Effects of a Physical Exercise Program on Physiological, Psychological, and Physical Function of Older Adults in Rural Areas
    Sunmi Kim, Eun-Jee Lee, Hyeon-Ok Kim
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The Effects of a Walking Leader Program on Walking Knowledge and Self-efficacy
Chang Hyun Lee, Young Im Kim, Souk Young Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2010;21(2):178-187.   Published online June 30, 2010
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of a walking leader program on changes in walking knowledge and self-efficacy.
The subjects were 276 participants who participated in the nationwide walking leader program 9 times from May to September in 2008. Data were collected before and after the program by an organized questionnaire.
1) Knowledge related to walking exercise increased significantly to 4.14 point from 2.90 point after the program (t=-20.70, p<.001). 2) Self-efficacy related to walking exercise increased significantly to 4.08 point from 3.40 point after the program (t=13.93, p<.001). 3) Significant factors that affected knowledge and self efficacy before the program were regular exercise and subjective health status. The history of chronic disease and smoking were significantly affecting factors to knowledge and self-efficacy after the program.
The walking leader program promoted the participants' walking knowledge and self-efficacy. It is necessary to develop more specific programs tailored to socio-demographic characteristics of participants and to make efforts to increase participants with active public information.
The Effects of Walking on the Physical Health of Residents in Rural Areas
Chun Mi Kim
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2008;19(3):349-357.   Published online September 30, 2008
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of walking on physical health such as body composition, blood pressure, blood glucose and blood lipids for residents in rural areas.
Data were collected from 109 residents at 4 community health centers and during the 12 weeks' period between May and July, 2007 with quasi-experimental pre/post-test design. The data were processed with SPSS Win 12.0.
69.5% of the subjects had chronic degenerative diseases such as hypertension, arthritis and diabetes mellitus. Also, 52.9% had overweight and 14.7% had excessive obesity. There were significant positive changes in BMI, blood pressure, blood glucose and LDL among obese residents. However, there was no significant difference in total cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL among blood lipids.
This study showed that a 3 months' walking program had positive effects on physical health and it should be continued.
The Effects of Group Walking Exercise Program on Body Composition, Blood Lipids and Psychological Factors
Young Aie Go, Hee Chong Baek, In Young Hwang
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(1):38-45.   Published online March 31, 2006
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a group walking exercise program on body composition, blood lipids and psychological factors at a community.
The subjects were 200 women(29 groups) who agreed to participate in group walking exercise for three months. Their ages ranged between 30 to 77 years. A simple walking exercise protocol was given to the participants, which was to do walking over three times a week and over thirty minutes each time. We compared the participants' body composition (BMI, PBF, BFM, FFM, WHR and VFA), blood lipids (HDL C, LDL C, total cholesterol, triglyceride) and exercise-self efficacy, self esteem, and quality of life before and after group walking. Collected data were analyzed through paired t test using the SAS program.
BMI. PBF, BFM, WHR, and VFA were significantly reduced (p<.01). However. FFM did not increase significantly (p=.416). There were significant changes in TC and TG (p<.01) but not in LDL C (P=.340). HDL C decreased but within the normal range. Exercise-self efficacy and quality of life did not increase significantly. Only self esteem increased significantly (p<.0001).
Group walking exercise had positive effects on body composition, blood lipid and self esteem in community women.
The Effect of the Walking Exercise on Physiological index, Physical Fitness, Self Esteem, Depression and Life Satisfaction in the Institutionalized Elderly Women
Jo Ug Son, Ji Hyun Lee
J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs. 2006;17(1):5-16.   Published online March 31, 2006
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The purpose of this study was to show the effect of walking exercise on physiological index, physical fitness, self-esteem. depression. and life satisfaction in institutionalized elderly women aged over 70. SAMPLE AND METHOD: Data were collected from subjects who consented to participate in this program for eight weeks from the 2nd of July to the 27th of August 2005. The subjects were divided into two groups, 26 subjects in the experimental group who had walking exercise and 30 in the control group who did not have walking exercise. The intensity of the walking exercise allowed 50-65% of the maximum heartbeat.
The results of the experiment supported the hypothesis that the experimental group would have higher flexibility, left grip strength, sense of equilibrium, self-esteem and life satisfaction and lower depression than the control group.
Walking exercise has the effect of decreasing diastolic blood pressure together with improvement in flexibility, left grip strength, sense of equilibrium, self-esteem, depression and life satisfaction for institutionalized elderly women aged over 70. According to the results presented above, walking exercise can be strongly recommended for improving the health of institutionalized elderly women.

RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing