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Original Article
Activities of Daily Living, Depression, and Self-rated Health and Related Factors in Korean Elderly: Focused on Socioeconomic Status and Family Support
Seieun Oh, Young Koorcid
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2015;26(2):140-149.
Published online: June 30, 2015

1Department of Nursing, College of Health Sciences, Dankook University, Cheonan, Korea.

2School of Nursing, Gachon University, Incheon, Korea.

• Received: April 20, 2015   • Revised: June 13, 2015   • Accepted: June 23, 2015

© 2015 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

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  • Purpose
    This study was conducted to identify activities of daily living, depression and self-rated health and related factors for Korean Elderly.
  • Methods
    Data from the survey for the Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging in 2010 were used. The data were analyzed using frequencies, weighted proportions, and hierarchical multiple logistic regression.
  • Results
    Significant difference was observed in health status induced by socioeconomic status between men and women, but not among age groups. Socioeconomic status was strongly associated with self-rated health among male and female elders. Being unschooled and low net family asset were significantly related with dependency in activities of daily living and depressive symptoms among men. Only low net family asset was significantly related with depressive symptoms among women. Family support provides a slight decrease to the negative relationship between socioeconomic status and health status, especially depressive symptoms.
  • Conclusion
    This study suggests that interventions to reduce health inequalities should target elderly with lower socioeconomic status and with poor family support, using a gender-specific approach.
Table 1

Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Subjects

Variables Categories Men Women Total
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Age (year) 65~74 1,281 (61.3) 1,490 (52.1) 2,771 (56.0)
75~84 673 (32.2) 1,018 (35.6) 1,691 (34.2)
≥85 136 (6.5) 350 (12.2) 486 (9.8)
Education No education 203 (9.7) 967 (33.8) 1,170 (23.7)
≤Elementary school 578 (27.7) 1,159 (40.6) 1,737 (35.1)
Middle school or high school 1,014 (48.5) 660 (23.1) 1,674 (33.8)
≥College 295 (14.1) 71 (2.5) 366 (7.4)
Family net assets (10,000 won) <3,500 349 (16.7) 715 (25.0) 1,064 (21.5)
3,500~9,999 424 (20.3) 660 (23.1) 1,084 (21.9)
10,000~19,999 635 (30.4) 755 (26.4) 1,390 (28.1)
≥20,000 682 (32.6) 727 (25.4) 1,409 (28.5)
Family support Living with supported family 1,151 (55.1) 1,413 (49.5) 2,564 (51.8)
Living with unsupported family 817 (39.1) 837 (29.3) 1,654 (33.4)
Living alone 122 (5.8) 607 (21.2) 729 (14.7)
Number of diagnosed disease 1.0±1.02 1.4±1.12 1.2±1.09
Total 2,090 (100.0) 2,857 (100.0) 4,947 (100.0)

%: weighted.

Table 2

Gender-stratified Prevalence of Having Difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Elderly (N=4,947)

Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated health as 'poor'
Men Women Men Women Men Women
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Total 107 (5.1) 186 (6.5)* 144 (6.9) 255 (8.9)* 634 (30.3) 1,317 (46.1)**
Age (year)
 65~74 32 (2.5) 39 (2.6) 74 (5.8) 131 (8.8)** 298 (23.3) 567 (38.1)**
 75~84 53 (7.9) 60 (5.9) 52 (7.7) 97 (9.5) 268 (39.8) 531 (52.2)**
 ≥85 22 (16.2) 87 (24.9)* 18 (13.3) 27 (7.7) 68 (50.0) 219 (62.6)**
 No education 21 (10.4) 111 (11.5) 23 (11.3) 98 (10.1) 97 (47.8) 549 (56.7)*
 ≤Elementary school 33 (5.7) 56 (4.8) 54 (9.3) 110 (9.5) 207 (35.8) 549 (47.4)**
 Middle or high school 46 (4.5) 18 (2.7) 55 (5.4) 45 (6.8) 275 (27.1) 206 (31.2)
 ≥College 7 (2.4) 1 (1.4) 13 (4.4) 3 (4.2) 56 (19.0) 13 (18.6)
Family net assets (10,000 won)
 <3,500 25 (7.2) 63 (8.8) 37 (10.6) 93 (13.0) 149 (42.7) 450 (62.9)**
 3,500~9,999 25 (5.9) 41 (6.2) 30 (7.1) 56 (8.5) 144 (34.0) 308 (46.7)**
 10,000~19,999 43 (6.8) 46 (6.1) 45 (7.1) 60 (7.9) 196 (30.9) 310 (41.1)**
 ≥20,000 14 (2.1) 36 (5.0)** 32 (4.7) 46 (6.3) 145 (21.3) 248 (34.1)**
Family support
 Living with supported family 38 (3.3) 80 (5.7)** 53 (4.6) 86 (6.1) 300 (26.0) 560 (39.6)**
 Living with unsupported family 62 (7.6) 68 (8.1) 70 (8.6) 100 (11.9)** 294 (36.0) 438 (52.3)**
 Living alone 7 (5.8) 37 (6.1) 21 (17.4) 69 (11.4) 40 (33.1) 318 (52.4)**

%: weighted; ADLs=activities of daily living; *p<.05, **p<.01 for different between men and women.

Table 3

Age Groups-stratified Prevalence of Having Difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Elderly (N=4,947)

Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated Health as 'poor'
65~74 75~84 ≥85 65~74 75~84 ≥85 65~74 75~84 ≥85
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Total 70 (2.5) 113 (6.7) 109 (22.5) 205 (7.4) 150 (8.9) 46 (9.4) 865 (31.2) 799 (47.3) 288 (59.1)
 No education 20 (5.9) 34 (6.4) 79 (26.5) 48 (14.2) 50 (9.4) 22 (7.4) 163 (48.1) 294 (55.2) 189 (63.2)
 ≤Elementary school 22 (2.3) 45 (7.1) 21 (16.2) 85 (8.7) 63 (10.0) 16 (12.3) 377 (38.7) 311 (49.1) 68 (52.3)
 Middle or high school 28 (2.3) 29 (7.0) 6 (14.6) 64 (5.3) 31 (7.5) 5 (12.2) 294 (24.2) 165 (39.7) 22 (53.7)
 ≥College 0 (0.0) 5 (4.6) 3 (18.8) 8 (3.3) 5 (4.6) 3 (18.8) 31 (12.9) 31 (28.2) 8 (50.0)
Family net assets (10,000 won)
 <3,500 22 (4.5) 31 (7.2) 35 (23.3) 67 (13.8) 44 (10.3) 20 (13.3) 240 (49.3) 261 (61.0) 99 (66.0)
 3,500~9,999 12 (2.2) 28 (6.5) 26 (24.3) 36 (6.6) 42 (9.7) 8 (7.5) 169 (31.0) 210 (48.7) 73 (68.2)
 10,000~19,999 30 (3.5) 36 (8.4) 23 (20.4) 66 (7.8) 27 (6.3) 13 (11.5) 256 (30.2) 188 (43.7) 63 (55.8)
 ≥20,000 7 (0.8)** 18 (4.5) 25 (21.6) 36 (4.0)** 37 (9.2) 5 (4.3) 200 (22.5)** 140 (34.8)** 53 (45.3)**
Family support
 Living with SF 24 (1.6) 15 (4.3) 21 (18.3) 82 (5.3) 45 (5.7) 12 (5.0) 395 (25.7) 334 (42.3) 130 (54.4)
 Living with UF 38 (3.9) 50 (9.0) 42 (32.1) 92 (9.5) 63 (11.4) 15 (11.5) 372 (38.4) 280 (50.5) 81 (61.4)
 Living alone 8 (3.0)** 48 (6.1)* 46 (19.2)** 31 (11.7)** 41 (11.8)** 19 (16.4)** 98 (36.8)** 185 (53.3)** 76 (65.5)

%: weighted; ADLs=activities of daily living; SF=supported family; UF=unsupported family; *p<.05, **p<.01 for different among age group.

Table 4

Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% confidence intervals) of Having difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Men (N=2,090)

Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated Health as 'poor'
Model I Model II % Model I Model II % Model I Model II %
Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI)
 ≥College 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 Middle or high school 1.85 (0.80~4.29) 1.86 (0.80~4.35) 1.12 (0.60~2.09) 1.13 (0.60~2.12) 1.60 (1.12~2.29)* 1.60 (1.11~2.29)* 0.0
 ≤Elementary school 1.83 (0.77~4.37) 1.82 (0.76~4.36) 1.85 (0.98~3.51) 1.85 (0.97~3.52) 2.17 (1.49~3.17)** 2.12 (1.45~3.11)** 4.3
 No education 2.97 (1.18~7.51)* 2.68 (1.05~6.84)* 14.7 2.10 (1.00~4.38)* 2.00 (0.95~4.21) 9.1 3.28 (2.09~5.16)** 3.13 (1.99~4.94)** 0.0
Family net assets (10,000 won)
 ≥20,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 10,000~19,999 3.20 (1.68~6.11)** 3.16 (1.65~6.05)** 1.8 1.39 (0.86~2.24) 1.30 (0.80~2.10) 1.57 (1.19~2.08)** 1.58 (1.19~2.10)** -1.8
 3,500~9,999 2.26 (1.11~4.58)* 2.25 (1.10~4.59)* -1.6 1.23 (0.72~2.09) 1.42 (0.66~1.96) 1.55 (1.14~2.11)** 1.57 (1.15~2.14)** -3.6
 <3,500 2.72 (1.34~5.53)** 2.49 (1.21~5.12)* 13.4 1.96 (1.18~3.28)* 1.57 (0.92~2.67) 40.6 2.43 (1.77~3.34)** 2.42 (1.75~3.34)** 0.7
Family support
 Living with supported family 1.00 1.00 1.00
 Living with unsupported family 2.29 (1.47~3.57)** 1.83 (1.25~2.66)** 1.53 (1.23~1.90)**
 Living alone 1.29 (0.55~3.04) 3.68 (2.09~6.51)** 0.93 (0.59~1.47)

ADLs=activities of daily living; ; Adj. ORs=adjusted odds ratios; Model I: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, and number of diagnosed disease; Model II: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, number of diagnosed disease and family support; %: Changes in adj. ORs were calculated by [ (adj. OR before controls - adj. OR after controls)/ (adj. OR before controls -1)×100] after adjusting the family support.; *p<.05, **p<.01.

Table 5

Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% confidence intervals) of Having difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Women (N=2,857)

Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated Health as 'poor'
Model I
Adj. OR (95% CI)
Model II
Adj. OR (95% CI)
% Model I
Adj. OR (95% CI)
Model II
Adj. OR (95% CI)
% Model I
Adj. OR (95% CI)
Model II
Adj. OR (95% CI)
 ≥College 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 Middle or high school 1.92 (0.19~18.98) 1.75 (0.20~17.38) 1.47 (0.41~5.31) 1.45 (0.40~5.25) 1.38 (0.72~2.68) 1.35 (0.70~2.62)
 ≤Elementary school 2.34 (0.24~22.59) 2.13 (0.22~20.52) 1.89 (0.53~6.75) 1.79 (0.50~6.40) 2.18 (1.36~4.19)* 2.08 (1.09~4.00)* 8.5
 No education 3.63 (0.37~35.10) 3.23 (0.33~31.27) 2.10 (0.58~7.58) 1.94 (0.54~7.04) 2.71 (1.39~5.26)** 2.59 (1.33~5.02)** 7.0
Family net assets (10,000 won)
 ≥20,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
 10,000~19,999 1.29 (0.80~2.07) 1.34 (0.83~2.17) 1.22 (0.81~1.83) 1.24 (0.82~1.87) 1.33 (1.06~1.68)** 1.36 (1.08~1.72)* -9.1
 3,500~9,999 1.05 (0.64~1.73) 1.14 (0.69~1.88) 1.20 (0.79~1.83) 1.19 (0.78~1.81) 1.43 (1.12~1.81)** 1.44 (1.13~1.84)* -2.3
 <3,500 1.29 (0.81~2.04) 1.52 (0.94~2.46) 1.86 (1.26~2.74)** 1.71 (1.15~2.55)** 17.4 2.58 (2.03~3.27)** 2.63 (2.06~3.36)** -3.2
Family support 1.00 1.00 1.00
 Living with supported family 1.45 (1.01~2.08)* 1.83 (1.34~2.49)** 1.43 (1.19~1.73)**
 Living with unsupported family 0.64 (0.41~1.01) 1.60 (1.12~2.28)** 1.01 (0.81~1.26)
 Living alone

ADLs=activities of daily living; ; Adj. ORs=adjusted odds ratios; Model I: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, and number of diagnosed disease; Model II: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, number of diagnosed disease and family support; %: Changes in adj. ORs were calculated by [ (adj. OR before controls - adj. OR after controls)/ (adj. OR before controls -1)×100] after adjusting the family support.; *p<.05, **p<.01.

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    We recommend
    Activities of Daily Living, Depression, and Self-rated Health and Related Factors in Korean Elderly: Focused on Socioeconomic Status and Family Support
    Activities of Daily Living, Depression, and Self-rated Health and Related Factors in Korean Elderly: Focused on Socioeconomic Status and Family Support
    Variables Categories Men Women Total
    n (%) n (%) n (%)
    Age (year) 65~74 1,281 (61.3) 1,490 (52.1) 2,771 (56.0)
    75~84 673 (32.2) 1,018 (35.6) 1,691 (34.2)
    ≥85 136 (6.5) 350 (12.2) 486 (9.8)
    Education No education 203 (9.7) 967 (33.8) 1,170 (23.7)
    ≤Elementary school 578 (27.7) 1,159 (40.6) 1,737 (35.1)
    Middle school or high school 1,014 (48.5) 660 (23.1) 1,674 (33.8)
    ≥College 295 (14.1) 71 (2.5) 366 (7.4)
    Family net assets (10,000 won) <3,500 349 (16.7) 715 (25.0) 1,064 (21.5)
    3,500~9,999 424 (20.3) 660 (23.1) 1,084 (21.9)
    10,000~19,999 635 (30.4) 755 (26.4) 1,390 (28.1)
    ≥20,000 682 (32.6) 727 (25.4) 1,409 (28.5)
    Family support Living with supported family 1,151 (55.1) 1,413 (49.5) 2,564 (51.8)
    Living with unsupported family 817 (39.1) 837 (29.3) 1,654 (33.4)
    Living alone 122 (5.8) 607 (21.2) 729 (14.7)
    Number of diagnosed disease 1.0±1.02 1.4±1.12 1.2±1.09
    Total 2,090 (100.0) 2,857 (100.0) 4,947 (100.0)
    Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated health as 'poor'
    Men Women Men Women Men Women
    n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
    Total 107 (5.1) 186 (6.5)* 144 (6.9) 255 (8.9)* 634 (30.3) 1,317 (46.1)**
    Age (year)
     65~74 32 (2.5) 39 (2.6) 74 (5.8) 131 (8.8)** 298 (23.3) 567 (38.1)**
     75~84 53 (7.9) 60 (5.9) 52 (7.7) 97 (9.5) 268 (39.8) 531 (52.2)**
     ≥85 22 (16.2) 87 (24.9)* 18 (13.3) 27 (7.7) 68 (50.0) 219 (62.6)**
     No education 21 (10.4) 111 (11.5) 23 (11.3) 98 (10.1) 97 (47.8) 549 (56.7)*
     ≤Elementary school 33 (5.7) 56 (4.8) 54 (9.3) 110 (9.5) 207 (35.8) 549 (47.4)**
     Middle or high school 46 (4.5) 18 (2.7) 55 (5.4) 45 (6.8) 275 (27.1) 206 (31.2)
     ≥College 7 (2.4) 1 (1.4) 13 (4.4) 3 (4.2) 56 (19.0) 13 (18.6)
    Family net assets (10,000 won)
     <3,500 25 (7.2) 63 (8.8) 37 (10.6) 93 (13.0) 149 (42.7) 450 (62.9)**
     3,500~9,999 25 (5.9) 41 (6.2) 30 (7.1) 56 (8.5) 144 (34.0) 308 (46.7)**
     10,000~19,999 43 (6.8) 46 (6.1) 45 (7.1) 60 (7.9) 196 (30.9) 310 (41.1)**
     ≥20,000 14 (2.1) 36 (5.0)** 32 (4.7) 46 (6.3) 145 (21.3) 248 (34.1)**
    Family support
     Living with supported family 38 (3.3) 80 (5.7)** 53 (4.6) 86 (6.1) 300 (26.0) 560 (39.6)**
     Living with unsupported family 62 (7.6) 68 (8.1) 70 (8.6) 100 (11.9)** 294 (36.0) 438 (52.3)**
     Living alone 7 (5.8) 37 (6.1) 21 (17.4) 69 (11.4) 40 (33.1) 318 (52.4)**
    Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated Health as 'poor'
    65~74 75~84 ≥85 65~74 75~84 ≥85 65~74 75~84 ≥85
    n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
    Total 70 (2.5) 113 (6.7) 109 (22.5) 205 (7.4) 150 (8.9) 46 (9.4) 865 (31.2) 799 (47.3) 288 (59.1)
     No education 20 (5.9) 34 (6.4) 79 (26.5) 48 (14.2) 50 (9.4) 22 (7.4) 163 (48.1) 294 (55.2) 189 (63.2)
     ≤Elementary school 22 (2.3) 45 (7.1) 21 (16.2) 85 (8.7) 63 (10.0) 16 (12.3) 377 (38.7) 311 (49.1) 68 (52.3)
     Middle or high school 28 (2.3) 29 (7.0) 6 (14.6) 64 (5.3) 31 (7.5) 5 (12.2) 294 (24.2) 165 (39.7) 22 (53.7)
     ≥College 0 (0.0) 5 (4.6) 3 (18.8) 8 (3.3) 5 (4.6) 3 (18.8) 31 (12.9) 31 (28.2) 8 (50.0)
    Family net assets (10,000 won)
     <3,500 22 (4.5) 31 (7.2) 35 (23.3) 67 (13.8) 44 (10.3) 20 (13.3) 240 (49.3) 261 (61.0) 99 (66.0)
     3,500~9,999 12 (2.2) 28 (6.5) 26 (24.3) 36 (6.6) 42 (9.7) 8 (7.5) 169 (31.0) 210 (48.7) 73 (68.2)
     10,000~19,999 30 (3.5) 36 (8.4) 23 (20.4) 66 (7.8) 27 (6.3) 13 (11.5) 256 (30.2) 188 (43.7) 63 (55.8)
     ≥20,000 7 (0.8)** 18 (4.5) 25 (21.6) 36 (4.0)** 37 (9.2) 5 (4.3) 200 (22.5)** 140 (34.8)** 53 (45.3)**
    Family support
     Living with SF 24 (1.6) 15 (4.3) 21 (18.3) 82 (5.3) 45 (5.7) 12 (5.0) 395 (25.7) 334 (42.3) 130 (54.4)
     Living with UF 38 (3.9) 50 (9.0) 42 (32.1) 92 (9.5) 63 (11.4) 15 (11.5) 372 (38.4) 280 (50.5) 81 (61.4)
     Living alone 8 (3.0)** 48 (6.1)* 46 (19.2)** 31 (11.7)** 41 (11.8)** 19 (16.4)** 98 (36.8)** 185 (53.3)** 76 (65.5)
    Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated Health as 'poor'
    Model I Model II % Model I Model II % Model I Model II %
    Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI) Adj. OR (95% CI)
     ≥College 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
     Middle or high school 1.85 (0.80~4.29) 1.86 (0.80~4.35) 1.12 (0.60~2.09) 1.13 (0.60~2.12) 1.60 (1.12~2.29)* 1.60 (1.11~2.29)* 0.0
     ≤Elementary school 1.83 (0.77~4.37) 1.82 (0.76~4.36) 1.85 (0.98~3.51) 1.85 (0.97~3.52) 2.17 (1.49~3.17)** 2.12 (1.45~3.11)** 4.3
     No education 2.97 (1.18~7.51)* 2.68 (1.05~6.84)* 14.7 2.10 (1.00~4.38)* 2.00 (0.95~4.21) 9.1 3.28 (2.09~5.16)** 3.13 (1.99~4.94)** 0.0
    Family net assets (10,000 won)
     ≥20,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
     10,000~19,999 3.20 (1.68~6.11)** 3.16 (1.65~6.05)** 1.8 1.39 (0.86~2.24) 1.30 (0.80~2.10) 1.57 (1.19~2.08)** 1.58 (1.19~2.10)** -1.8
     3,500~9,999 2.26 (1.11~4.58)* 2.25 (1.10~4.59)* -1.6 1.23 (0.72~2.09) 1.42 (0.66~1.96) 1.55 (1.14~2.11)** 1.57 (1.15~2.14)** -3.6
     <3,500 2.72 (1.34~5.53)** 2.49 (1.21~5.12)* 13.4 1.96 (1.18~3.28)* 1.57 (0.92~2.67) 40.6 2.43 (1.77~3.34)** 2.42 (1.75~3.34)** 0.7
    Family support
     Living with supported family 1.00 1.00 1.00
     Living with unsupported family 2.29 (1.47~3.57)** 1.83 (1.25~2.66)** 1.53 (1.23~1.90)**
     Living alone 1.29 (0.55~3.04) 3.68 (2.09~6.51)** 0.93 (0.59~1.47)
    Variables Having difficulty in ADLs Depressive symptoms Self-rated Health as 'poor'
    Model I
    Adj. OR (95% CI)
    Model II
    Adj. OR (95% CI)
    % Model I
    Adj. OR (95% CI)
    Model II
    Adj. OR (95% CI)
    % Model I
    Adj. OR (95% CI)
    Model II
    Adj. OR (95% CI)
     ≥College 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
     Middle or high school 1.92 (0.19~18.98) 1.75 (0.20~17.38) 1.47 (0.41~5.31) 1.45 (0.40~5.25) 1.38 (0.72~2.68) 1.35 (0.70~2.62)
     ≤Elementary school 2.34 (0.24~22.59) 2.13 (0.22~20.52) 1.89 (0.53~6.75) 1.79 (0.50~6.40) 2.18 (1.36~4.19)* 2.08 (1.09~4.00)* 8.5
     No education 3.63 (0.37~35.10) 3.23 (0.33~31.27) 2.10 (0.58~7.58) 1.94 (0.54~7.04) 2.71 (1.39~5.26)** 2.59 (1.33~5.02)** 7.0
    Family net assets (10,000 won)
     ≥20,000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
     10,000~19,999 1.29 (0.80~2.07) 1.34 (0.83~2.17) 1.22 (0.81~1.83) 1.24 (0.82~1.87) 1.33 (1.06~1.68)** 1.36 (1.08~1.72)* -9.1
     3,500~9,999 1.05 (0.64~1.73) 1.14 (0.69~1.88) 1.20 (0.79~1.83) 1.19 (0.78~1.81) 1.43 (1.12~1.81)** 1.44 (1.13~1.84)* -2.3
     <3,500 1.29 (0.81~2.04) 1.52 (0.94~2.46) 1.86 (1.26~2.74)** 1.71 (1.15~2.55)** 17.4 2.58 (2.03~3.27)** 2.63 (2.06~3.36)** -3.2
    Family support 1.00 1.00 1.00
     Living with supported family 1.45 (1.01~2.08)* 1.83 (1.34~2.49)** 1.43 (1.19~1.73)**
     Living with unsupported family 0.64 (0.41~1.01) 1.60 (1.12~2.28)** 1.01 (0.81~1.26)
     Living alone
    Table 1 Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Subjects

    %: weighted.

    Table 2 Gender-stratified Prevalence of Having Difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Elderly (N=4,947)

    %: weighted; ADLs=activities of daily living; *p<.05, **p<.01 for different between men and women.

    Table 3 Age Groups-stratified Prevalence of Having Difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Elderly (N=4,947)

    %: weighted; ADLs=activities of daily living; SF=supported family; UF=unsupported family; *p<.05, **p<.01 for different among age group.

    Table 4 Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% confidence intervals) of Having difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Men (N=2,090)

    ADLs=activities of daily living; ; Adj. ORs=adjusted odds ratios; Model I: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, and number of diagnosed disease; Model II: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, number of diagnosed disease and family support; %: Changes in adj. ORs were calculated by [ (adj. OR before controls - adj. OR after controls)/ (adj. OR before controls -1)×100] after adjusting the family support.; *p<.05, **p<.01.

    Table 5 Adjusted Odds Ratios (95% confidence intervals) of Having difficulty in ADLs, Depressive Symptoms and Self-rated Health as 'poor' among Women (N=2,857)

    ADLs=activities of daily living; ; Adj. ORs=adjusted odds ratios; Model I: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, and number of diagnosed disease; Model II: Adjusted for age, educational level, family net assets, number of diagnosed disease and family support; %: Changes in adj. ORs were calculated by [ (adj. OR before controls - adj. OR after controls)/ (adj. OR before controls -1)×100] after adjusting the family support.; *p<.05, **p<.01.

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing