Department of Nursing, Catholic University of Pusan, Busan, Korea.
© 2014 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
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SE=Standard error; NW=normal body weight; OW=over-weight; OB=obesity; AUDIT=Alcohol use disorders identification test; MSED=Muscle strength exercise dummy; VPAD=Vigorous physical activity dummy; MPAD=Moderate physical activity dummy; FHCHDD=Family history of coronary heart disease dummy; SEE=Standard error of the estimate; D-W=Durbin-Watson.
This paper was supported by RESEARCH FUND offered from Research Institute of Nursing Science, Catholic University of Pusan, 2012.
HDL=high density lipid; SBP=systolic blood pressure; DBP=diastolic blood pressure; †Estimate of 10 year risk factor for male; ‡Estimate of 10year Risk Factor for Female.
1=Vigorous physical activity; 2=Moderate physical activity ; 3=Walking; 4=Muscle strength exercise; 5=Flexibility exercise; 6=Daily activity; 7=Perceived stress; 8=Alcohol use disorders identification test. *
BMI=Body mass index; Nw=Normal body weight; Ow=Over-weight; Ob=Obesity.
SE=Standard error; NW=normal body weight; OW=over-weight; OB=obesity; AUDIT=Alcohol use disorders identification test; MSED=Muscle strength exercise dummy; VPAD=Vigorous physical activity dummy; MPAD=Moderate physical activity dummy; FHCHDD=Family history of coronary heart disease dummy; SEE=Standard error of the estimate; D-W=Durbin-Watson.