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Original Article
Breakfast Skipping and Related Factors in Children in Poverty
Kyung Ja June, Jin-Young Kim, Seungmi Park, Ji Yun Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing 2011;22(2):204-211.
Published online: April 4, 2014

1Professor, Department of Nursing, Soonchunhyang University, Korea.

2Staff, Citizens Opening the World for Welfare, Korea.

3Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Hoseo University, Korea.

• Received: May 12, 2011   • Revised: June 20, 2011   • Accepted: June 21, 2011

© 2011 Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • Purpose
    To investigate the frequency of breakfast skipping and affecting factors in children in poverty.
  • Methods
    The subjects were 644 children who were receiving the services of community child center or delivery meal-box. They were asked about their socio-demographic characteristics, health behaviors and breakfast-skipping status in the survey.
  • Results
    Breakfast-skippers were 17.4% of the subjects. The count of negative health behaviors in breakfast skippers was higher than that in eaters, and the behaviors of exercise, screen time, alcohol experience, and smoking experience were worse in skippers than in eaters. The odds ratio of breakfast skipping was higher in female children (OR=2.53, p<.001), those with single father (OR=3.76, p<.001) or single mother (OR=1.83 p=.030), those with alcohol experience (OR=1.82, p=.022) and smoking experience (OR=2.80, p=.003), and under-weight ones (OR=2.54, p=.048).
  • Conclusion
    Breakfast skipping is associated with gender, family structure, alcohol experience, smoking experience and BMI. Children in poverty need comprehensive health promotion programs including interventions for breakfast skipping and health behaviors.
Table 1
Socio-demographic Characteristics and Breakfast Skipping Frequency of Subjects (N=644)

Urban means location in "dong", rural means location in "eup" or "myun".

Table 2
Health behaviors and BMI of Breakfast skipper and eaters

BMI=Body Mass Index.

Table 3
Association Factors of Breakfast skipping
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    We recommend
    Breakfast Skipping and Related Factors in Children in Poverty
    Breakfast Skipping and Related Factors in Children in Poverty
    Table 1 Socio-demographic Characteristics and Breakfast Skipping Frequency of Subjects (N=644)

    Urban means location in "dong", rural means location in "eup" or "myun".

    Table 2 Health behaviors and BMI of Breakfast skipper and eaters

    BMI=Body Mass Index.

    Table 3 Association Factors of Breakfast skipping

    RCPHN : Research in Community and Public Health Nursing